Agreement To Mediate

Agreement To Mediate
Agreement To Mediate
Full Overview Of Agreement To Mediate

In today’s fast-paced and often litigious world, disputes can arise in various sectors, from commercial transactions and employment matters to personal relationships. Mediation has emerged as a preferred method for resolving disputes amicably and efficiently.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the importance of mediation as a dispute resolution tool and have crafted this comprehensive overview of an Agreement to Mediate. This guide explores the purpose, process, and benefits of mediation while also detailing the critical components of a standard mediation agreement.


What is Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, assists disputing parties in reaching a mutually acceptable solution.

Unlike litigation, mediation is non-adversarial and focuses on collaboration rather than confrontation. The mediator facilitates communication, helps identify underlying issues, and explores potential solutions but does not impose a decision on the parties.

Purpose of an Agreement to Mediate

An Agreement to Mediate is a formal document that sets out the terms and conditions for the mediation process. It provides a framework that ensures all parties are clear about their roles, responsibilities, and the procedural aspects of the mediation. This agreement is crucial for establishing trust and clarity, which are essential for a successful mediation.

Key Components of an Agreement to Mediate

Introduction and Purpose

This section outlines the intention behind the mediation process and the parties’ mutual desire to resolve their dispute amicably. It sets a positive tone and underscores mediation’s collaborative nature.

Appointment of the Mediator

The agreement specifies the mediator’s identity, qualifications, and selection process. All parties involved must perceive the mediator as impartial and competent.

Role and Authority of the Mediator

This section delineates the mediator’s role in facilitating discussions, encouraging open communication, and assisting in negotiating a settlement. It also clarifies that the mediator has no authority to impose a resolution.

Voluntary Participation

Mediation is a voluntary process. This section confirms that all parties have agreed to mediate of their own free will and can withdraw from the process without penalty.


Confidentiality is a cornerstone of mediation. This clause ensures that all discussions, documents, and disclosures during mediation cannot be used as evidence in subsequent legal proceedings. It promotes openness and honesty, which are vital for successful mediation.


This part outlines the procedural aspects of mediation, including the sessions’ venue, schedule, and format. It may also include provisions for pre-mediation submissions or the exchange of relevant documents.

Costs and Fees

The agreement specifies the costs associated with the mediation process, including the mediator’s fees and any additional expenses. It also details how these costs will be divided among the parties.

Legal Representation and Advice

While mediation encourages direct communication between the parties, this section affirms that participants are entitled to seek legal advice and have their solicitors present during the sessions if they wish.

Termination of Mediation

This clause outlines the circumstances under which the mediation can be terminated, either by mutual agreement or by the mediator, if it becomes apparent that an agreement cannot be reached.

Outcome of Mediation

If an agreement is reached, this section describes the process for documenting the settlement, which may include drafting a binding contract. If mediation fails, it outlines the next steps, such as litigation or arbitration.

Benefits of Mediation


Mediation is generally less expensive than litigation. By avoiding protracted court battles, parties can save on legal fees and other associated costs.


Mediation can often resolve disputes in a fraction of the time it takes for a court case to be heard and decided. This is particularly beneficial for commercial disputes where time is money.


Unlike public court proceedings, mediation is private. This confidentiality can protect the parties’ reputations and sensitive information.

Control Over the Outcome

In mediation, the parties retain control over resolving their dispute. They are not bound by a judge’s decision but can craft a settlement that meets their specific needs and interests.

Preservation of Relationships

Mediation fosters a collaborative approach, which can help preserve professional, commercial, or personal relationships that adversarial litigation might otherwise damage.


The mediation process is flexible and can be tailored to the parties’ needs. This flexibility extends to the solutions, which can be creative and go beyond the remedies available in court.

The Mediation Process

Initial Contact and Agreement to Mediate

The process begins when the parties agree to mediate and sign the Agreement to Mediate. This sets the stage for a structured and principled approach to resolving their dispute.

Selection of the Mediator

The parties select a mediator, often with the assistance of their solicitors. The mediator’s neutrality and expertise are paramount to the process.

Pre-Mediation Preparation

Before the mediation sessions, the mediator may request documents or statements from the parties to understand the issues better. This preparation ensures that the sessions are productive.

Mediation Sessions

Mediation typically starts with a joint session where the mediator explains the process and ground rules. Each party then presents its perspective. Subsequent sessions may involve separate meetings (caucuses) with the mediator to explore interests and possible solutions.

Negotiation and Settlement

Through guided negotiation, the parties work towards a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator helps clarify issues, find common ground, and suggest potential solutions.

Documentation of Agreement

Once an agreement is reached, it is documented in a settlement agreement. This document is typically binding and can be enforced like any other contract.


If mediation does not result in a settlement, the parties may proceed to other forms of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or litigation. However, the mediation process often narrows the issues and clarifies positions, making subsequent proceedings more straightforward.


Mediation is an invaluable tool for resolving disputes in a manner that is efficient, cost-effective, and conducive to preserving relationships. An Agreement to Mediate is a foundational document that ensures all parties are on the same page regarding the mediation process, roles, responsibilities, and confidentiality. At DLS Solicitors, we advocate for mediation as a first step in dispute resolution, recognising its many benefits over traditional litigation.

By choosing mediation, parties demonstrate a commitment to finding a fair and amicable solution, fostering a more positive outcome for all involved. The structure provided by an Agreement to Mediate paves the way for a successful resolution, helping to maintain trust and cooperation throughout the process.

In summary, mediation, underpinned by a well-drafted Agreement to Mediate, offers a structured yet flexible approach to dispute resolution. It empowers parties to resolve their conflicts on their terms, supported by a neutral mediator who facilitates constructive dialogue and negotiation. As we navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the value of mediation cannot be overstated, and at DLS Solicitors, we are committed to guiding our clients through this process with expertise and empathy.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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