Deed Of Easement

Deed Of Easement
Deed Of Easement
Full Overview Of Deed Of Easement

A Deed of Easement is a fundamental legal instrument in property law, often crucial for maintaining harmonious relationships between neighbouring landowners and ensuring that property rights are respected and preserved. This document grants specific rights to use another person’s land for a particular purpose, such as accessing a roadway or utilising utility services. Understanding the intricacies of a Deed of Easement is essential for landowners, property developers, and legal professionals.

This comprehensive overview will explore the nature of easements, the legal framework, and practical considerations involved in drafting, executing, and enforcing a Deed of Easement under English law.

What is an Easement?

An easement is a non-possessory right to use another person’s land for a specific purpose. It confers a benefit to the holder of the easement (the dominant tenement) and imposes a corresponding burden on the landowner granting the easement (the servient tenement). Easements can take various forms, including rights of way, rights to light, rights to water, and rights to support.

Characteristics of Easements

To qualify as a legal easement under English law, certain criteria must be met:

  1. Dominant and Servient Tenement: There must be two distinct pieces of land. The easement benefits the dominant tenement and burdens the servient tenement.
  2. Accommodates the Dominant Tenement: The easement must benefit the land itself rather than the personal advantage of the landowner.
  3. Separate Ownership: The dominant and servient tenements must be owned by different parties.
  4. Capable of Forming the Subject Matter of a Grant: The right must be clear and definite, capable of being precisely defined and enforced.

Types of Easements

Easements can be categorised into several types based on their nature and the rights they confer:

  1. Express Easements: Created explicitly through a written agreement, such as a Deed of Easement. These easements are clearly documented and legally binding.
  2. Implied Easements: Arise by implication from the circumstances or conduct of the parties, such as easements of necessity or easements implied by long use.
  3. Prescriptive Easements: Acquired through long-term, continuous, and uninterrupted use without permission from the servient landowner, typically over a period of 20 years.
  4. Statutory Easements: Granted by specific statutes, such as those providing rights to access utilities or public services.

The Deed of Easement

A Deed of Easement is a formal legal document granting an easement to the dominant tenement over the servient tenement. It outlines both parties’ specific rights and obligations, ensuring clarity and legal enforceability. The critical components of a Deed of Easement include:

  1. Parties Involved: Clearly identifying the grantor (servient landowner) and the grantee (dominant landowner).
  2. Description of the Easement: Detailed description of the easement, including its purpose, location, and extent.
  3. Rights Granted: Specific rights conferred to the grantee, such as the right of way, right to access utilities, or right to light.
  4. Obligations and Maintenance: Responsibilities for maintaining the easement, including any repairs or upkeep required.
  5. Duration: The duration of the easement, whether it is perpetual or for a specified term.
  6. Conditions and Restrictions: Any conditions or restrictions on the use of the easement, ensuring it does not interfere with the servient landowner’s use of their property.
  7. Indemnity and Insurance: Provisions for indemnity and insurance to protect both parties from potential liabilities.
  8. Dispute Resolution: Mechanisms for resolving disputes, including mediation or arbitration.

Easements are governed by a combination of common law principles and statutory provisions. Key legal frameworks include:

Law of Property Act 1925

This Act consolidates much of the law relating to property and easements. It outlines the formalities required for creating legal easements, including the necessity of a deed for express easements.

Prescription Act 1832

This Act governs the acquisition of prescriptive easements. It stipulates the requirements for claiming an easement through long use, typically a minimum of 20 years.

Land Registration Act 2002

This Act introduced significant changes to the registration of easements. It requires most easements to be registered to be legally enforceable, ensuring transparency and clarity in property rights.

Common Law Principles:

Common law principles, as established through case law, play a crucial role in defining the nature and extent of easements. Notable cases such as Wheeldon v Burrows and Parker v Roberts provide essential guidance on implied easements and easements of necessity.

Creating a Deed of Easement

Drafting a Deed of Easement requires careful consideration of legal requirements and the parties’ specific needs. Key steps in creating a Deed of Easement include:

Identifying the Need:

Assessing the necessity of the easement, such as access to a roadway, utility services, or rights to light, and determining its impact on both properties.


Engaging in discussions between the grantor and grantee to agree on the terms and conditions of the easement, ensuring both parties’ interests are protected.

Drafting the Deed:

Preparing the Deed of Easement, ensuring it includes all essential components such as the description of the easement, rights granted, obligations, duration, and conditions.

Legal Formalities:

Ensuring the deed meets legal formalities, including execution as a deed, witnessing, and, if necessary, registration with the Land Registry.


Registering the Deed of Easement with the Land Registry to ensure its legal enforceability and to provide public notice of the easement.

Enforcing Easements

Enforcing easements involves ensuring that the rights granted are respected and any breaches are addressed promptly. Key considerations in enforcing easements include:

Monitoring Compliance:

Regularly monitoring the use of the easement to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions outlined in the deed.

Addressing Breaches:

Taking appropriate action in the event of a breach, such as negotiating with the other party, seeking mediation, or pursuing legal action if necessary.

Maintaining Records:

Keeping thorough records of the easement, including any correspondence, agreements, and maintenance activities, to support enforcement efforts.

Dispute Resolution:

Engaging in dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation or arbitration, to resolve conflicts amicably and avoid costly litigation.

Practical Considerations

When dealing with easements, several practical considerations can help ensure smooth and effective management:

Clear Communication:

Maintaining open and clear communication between the parties involved can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes.

Professional Advice:

Seeking professional advice from solicitors or property experts can provide valuable insights and ensure the deed meets all legal requirements.

Regular Review:

Periodically reviewing the easement and its impact on both properties can help identify and address potential issues early.

Maintenance Plans:

Establishing clear maintenance plans and responsibilities can help prevent disputes over repairs and upkeep of the easement.

Case Law on Easements

Several landmark cases have shaped the legal landscape of easements, providing valuable precedents and guidance:

Wheeldon v Burrows (1879):

This case established the principle that, upon the sale of part of a property, the buyer acquires all quasi-easements necessary for the enjoyment of the property and used by the previous owner.

Parker v Roberts (2019):

This recent case clarified the conditions under which easements of necessity can be implied, emphasising the need for a clear necessity rather than mere convenience.

St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance v Clark (No 2) (1973):

This case highlighted the importance of clear documentation and registration of easements, reinforcing the need for formal legal processes to ensure enforceability.


A Deed of Easement is a vital legal instrument that facilitates the orderly and harmonious use of land, balancing the rights and obligations of neighbouring landowners. Understanding the nature of easements, the legal framework governing them, and the practical considerations involved in drafting, executing, and enforcing a Deed of Easement is essential for property owners, developers, and legal professionals. By following best practices and seeking professional advice, parties can ensure that their rights are protected, and their interests are upheld.

Final Thoughts

In the complex and dynamic world of property law, easements play a crucial role in ensuring that land can be used effectively and efficiently. Whether granting access to essential services or preserving the rights of neighbouring landowners, a well-drafted Deed of Easement provides clarity and security. By staying informed and proactive, parties can navigate the challenges of easements with confidence and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

Deed Of Easement FAQ'S

A Deed of Easement is a legal document that grants a right to use a portion of one person’s land for a specific purpose, such as access, utilities, or drainage, to another person or entity.

Common types of easements include rights of way (access), easements for utilities (water, electricity, gas), drainage easements, and easements for light and air.

A Deed of Easement is created through a formal agreement between the landowner (grantor) and the beneficiary (grantee). It must be in writing, signed by both parties, and often registered with the Land Registry to be enforceable.

A Deed of Easement typically includes the names of the grantor and grantee, a description of the easement area, the purpose of the easement, any conditions or restrictions, and the duration of the easement.

Yes, an easement can be terminated by mutual agreement, expiration of the specified term, abandonment, or if the necessity for the easement no longer exists. Legal processes may be required for formal termination.

The grantor must allow the grantee to use the land as specified in the easement. The grantee must use the easement responsibly and adhere to any conditions or restrictions outlined in the Deed of Easement.

Yes, easements typically run with the land, meaning they are attached to the property rather than the individual. When the property is sold, the easement rights and obligations transfer to the new owner.

Disputes over easements can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or legal action. Courts can interpret the terms of the Deed of Easement and enforce or modify the rights and obligations of the parties involved.

While it is not always legally required to register a Deed of Easement, registration with the Land Registry provides legal protection and ensures the easement is enforceable against future owners of the land.

A Deed of Easement grants a legal right to use the land for a specific purpose, which typically runs with the land and is enforceable against future owners. A licence is a temporary, revocable permission to use the land and does not create a lasting legal interest.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 18th July 2024.

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