Domestic Abuse Protection Order

Domestic Abuse Protection Order
Domestic Abuse Protection Order
Full Overview Of Domestic Abuse Protection Order

Domestic abuse remains a pressing issue within society, impacting individuals and families across all demographics. As legal professionals at DLS Solicitors, we recognise the importance of providing comprehensive legal protections to victims of domestic abuse.

One of the primary tools available to safeguard victims and prevent further harm is Domestic Abuse Protection Orders (DAPOs). This detailed overview aims to explain the nature, application, and implications of DAPOs, ensuring that victims, legal practitioners, and community members understand how these orders function within the broader framework of domestic abuse law in the UK.

What are Domestic Abuse Protection Orders?

Domestic Abuse Protection Orders (DAPOs) are legal instruments designed to offer immediate and long-term protection to victims of domestic abuse. They serve multiple purposes, including preventing further abuse, providing victims with a sense of security, and ensuring that abusers are kept at a distance. Unlike criminal convictions, DAPOs are civil orders and can be sought independently of any criminal proceedings.

The legal basis for DAPOs is found within the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, which seeks to consolidate and strengthen the protections available to victims of domestic abuse. This Act introduces comprehensive measures, including the provision of DAPOs, to enhance the safety and well-being of victims while holding abusers accountable for their actions.

Types of Orders

Several types of protection orders fall under the broader category of DAPOs. These include:

  1. Non-Molestation Orders: Designed to prevent an abuser from harassing or threatening the victim. They can also prohibit specific behaviours, such as contacting the victim or coming near their home.
  2. Occupation Orders: Determine who has the right to live in the family home or restrict the abuser from entering the property. These orders can provide victims with the stability and security needed to remain in their homes without fear of further abuse.
  3. Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPNs) and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs): These are temporary measures that provide immediate protection to victims. The police issue DVPNs, which can be followed by DVPOs granted by a magistrate’s court and extend the protection for up to 28 days.
  4. Restraining Orders: Issued by the court following a criminal conviction or acquittal, these orders prevent the abuser from contacting or approaching the victim.
  5. Clare’s Law: Although not an order, Clare’s Law allows individuals to request information from the police about whether their partner has a history of domestic abuse, helping them make informed decisions about their safety.

Applying for a Domestic Abuse Protection Order

Eligibility and Grounds

Any individual who has experienced domestic abuse can apply for a DAPO. This includes abuse from intimate partners, ex-partners, and family members. The grounds for applying include:

  • Physical violence or threats of violence
  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Coercive control
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial abuse

The Application Process

  1. Seeking Legal Advice: It is advisable to seek legal advice when applying for a DAPO. Solicitors can provide guidance on the appropriate order to apply for, help gather necessary evidence, and represent the victim in court.
  2. Filing the Application: Applications for DAPOs can be made at the family court. The application must include details of the abuse, supporting evidence (such as medical reports, police reports, or witness statements), and the specific protection sought.
  3. interim orders: In urgent cases, the court can issue an interim order to provide immediate protection while the full hearing is pending. Interim orders are temporary and can be granted without the abuser being present (ex parte).
  4. Court Hearing: During the hearing, both the applicant and the respondent (abuser) can present their case. The court will consider the evidence and determine whether to grant the DAPO.
  5. Issuance of the Order: If the court is satisfied that the order is necessary to protect the victim, it will issue the DAPO, specifying the terms and duration of the protection.

Police Involvement

The police play a crucial role in the enforcement of DAPOs. They can issue DVPNs to provide immediate protection and enforce the terms of any DAPO, ensuring that abusers comply with the restrictions imposed by the court.

Enforcement and Breach

Breaching a DAPO is a criminal offence that can result in arrest and prosecution. Penalties for breaching an order can include fines, imprisonment, or both. The strict enforcement of DAPOs is essential to ensure that victims receive the protection they need and to hold abusers accountable for their actions.

Impact on Housing and Custody

DAPOs can have significant implications for housing and child custody arrangements. Occupation orders, for example, can grant victims the right to remain in the family home, providing stability and security. Similarly, the presence of a DAPO can influence custody decisions, with courts prioritising the safety and well-being of children.

Financial Support

In some cases, DAPOs can include provisions for financial support, ensuring that victims have the necessary resources to maintain their independence and security. This can include orders for the abuser to pay for accommodation, living expenses, or legal costs.

Emotional and Psychological Support

The issuance of a DAPO can have profound emotional and psychological benefits for victims. Knowing that legal protections are in place can provide a sense of security and empowerment, allowing victims to begin recovering and rebuilding their lives.

Challenges and Considerations

Evidentiary Requirements

One of the challenges in obtaining a DAPO is the need for sufficient evidence to support the application. Victims may face difficulties in gathering the necessary documentation or witness statements, particularly if they have not reported the abuse to authorities previously.

Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring that abusers comply with the terms of a DAPO can be challenging. While breaches are criminal offences, victims may still face ongoing harassment or threats. Effective enforcement and support from the police and legal system are crucial to addressing these issues.

Balancing Rights

The court must balance the rights of the victim with those of the respondent. This includes ensuring that the respondent has the opportunity to present their case and that the terms of the DAPO are proportionate and justified based on the evidence presented.

Access to Legal Aid

Access to legal aid can be a significant barrier for some victims seeking DAPOs. While legal aid is available for domestic abuse cases, the application process can be complex, and not all victims may be aware of their eligibility or the support available.

Support Systems and Resources

Legal Support

Access to experienced family law solicitors is essential for victims seeking DAPOs. Solicitors can provide advice, represent victims in court, and help navigate the complexities of the legal system. Legal aid may be available for those who qualify, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent access to justice.

Police and Community Support

The police and community organisations play a vital role in supporting victims of domestic abuse. This includes providing immediate protection through DVPNs, offering guidance on safety planning, and referring victims to specialist support services.

Counselling and Psychological Support

Counselling and psychological support are crucial for victims of domestic abuse. Professional counsellors and therapists can help victims process their experiences, develop coping strategies, and build resilience. Support groups also offer a valuable space for victims to share their experiences and receive mutual support.

Housing and Financial Assistance

Safe housing and financial assistance are critical components of support for victims of domestic abuse. Local authorities and community organisations can provide emergency accommodation, help victims access long-term housing solutions, and offer financial support to ensure their independence and security.

Prevention and Education

Raising Awareness

Raising awareness about domestic abuse and the protections available is essential for prevention and support. Public campaigns, educational programmes, and community outreach can help inform individuals about their rights and the resources available.

Training for Professionals

Training for professionals, including police officers, healthcare providers, and social workers, ensures that they can identify signs of domestic abuse, provide appropriate support, and refer victims to specialist services. Ongoing training and development are crucial for maintaining a high standard of care and support.

Community Involvement

Community involvement is key to preventing domestic abuse and supporting victims. Community groups, faith organisations, and local initiatives can significantly raise awareness, offer support, and foster a culture that condemns abuse and promotes safety and respect.


Domestic Abuse Protection Orders are a vital tool in the legal framework designed to protect victims of domestic abuse and prevent further harm. Understanding the types of orders available, the application process, and the legal and practical implications is essential for victims, legal practitioners, and community members.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing expert legal advice and compassionate support to those affected by domestic abuse. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the legal process, access the support you need, and ensure your safety and well-being.

Domestic Abuse Protection Order FAQ'S

A DAPO is a civil order introduced to provide immediate and long-term protection for victims of domestic abuse. It can impose restrictions and requirements on the abuser to prevent further abuse and ensure the safety of the victim.

Applications for DAPOs can be made by the police, victims of domestic abuse, and third parties such as social services with the consent of the victim. The court can also issue a DAPO on its own initiative during other proceedings.

A DAPO can impose a variety of restrictions, including prohibiting the abuser from contacting or approaching the victim, excluding the abuser from the victim’s home, and requiring the abuser to attend behaviour change programmes.

The duration of a DAPO can vary. It can be issued for a specified period, until a further order is made, or for an indefinite duration, depending on the circumstances and the needs of the victim.

To obtain a DAPO, an application must be made to the Family Court or Magistrates’ Court. The court will consider evidence of domestic abuse and assess whether the order is necessary to protect the victim from further harm.

While it is not mandatory to have a solicitor, it is advisable to seek legal advice, especially if the situation is complex. A solicitor can help with the application process and provide representation in court.

Breaching a DAPO is a criminal offence. If the abuser breaches the order, they can be arrested and prosecuted. Penalties for breaching a DAPO can include fines, imprisonment, or both.

Yes, a DAPO can be varied or revoked if circumstances change. Either the victim, the police, or the abuser can apply to the court to modify or discharge the order, providing evidence for the requested change.

A DAPO is a more flexible and comprehensive order designed specifically for domestic abuse cases and can include a wider range of restrictions and requirements. A non-molestation order specifically prohibits harassment or threats of violence and is typically used to prevent contact with or proximity to the victim.

Yes, a DAPO can include provisions to protect children who may be at risk of harm from the abuser. The order can specify contact arrangements and other measures to ensure the children’s safety and welfare.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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