Party Wall Agreement

Party Wall Agreement
Party Wall Agreement
Full Overview Of Party Wall Agreement

A Party Wall Agreement is a legal document that helps prevent and resolve disputes between neighbours regarding construction and alterations affecting shared walls, boundary walls, and excavations near adjoining buildings. Established under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, this agreement ensures that building work is carried out smoothly and with mutual respect among neighbours.

At DLS Solicitors, we understand the complexities and importance of Party Wall Agreements in maintaining harmonious relationships and protecting property interests. This comprehensive overview aims to elucidate the principles, legal framework, procedures, and strategic considerations associated with Party Wall Agreements.

The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 governs Party Wall Agreements in England and Wales. This Act sets out the rights and responsibilities of property owners regarding party walls, boundary walls, and excavations near neighbouring properties.

Party Wall etc. Act 1996

The Act defines a party wall as a wall that stands astride the boundary of land belonging to two (or more) different owners. It also covers boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings. The Act’s primary purpose is to avoid and resolve disputes between neighbours regarding construction and maintenance work.

Types of Work Covered

The Act covers three types of work:

  • Building on a Party Wall or Boundary Line: Any work involving the construction of a new wall or structure on the boundary line between properties.
  • Work on an Existing Party Wall or Structure: This includes repairing, altering, or demolishing a party wall or structure shared with a neighbour.
  • Excavation Near a Neighbouring Property: Any excavation work within 3 to 6 metres of a neighbouring property, depending on the depth of the excavation.

Importance of Party Wall Agreements

Party Wall Agreements play a crucial role in construction and property maintenance, offering several key benefits:

Legal Protection

A Party Wall Agreement provides legal protection for both parties, ensuring that the rights and responsibilities of each property owner are clearly defined and upheld.

Preventing Disputes

A party wall agreement helps prevent disputes between neighbours by outlining the scope of work, methods, and safeguards. It also sets out clear expectations and procedures for resolving any issues that may arise.

Ensuring Safety

The Agreement ensures that construction work is carried out safely and professionally, protecting the structural integrity of both properties. It includes provisions for safeguarding neighbouring buildings during the work.

Preserving Relationships

By formalising the terms of construction work and addressing concerns upfront, a Party Wall Agreement helps preserve good relationships between neighbours. This is particularly important in densely populated urban areas.

How To Obtain a Party Wall Agreement

Obtaining a Party Wall Agreement involves several stages, each requiring careful attention to detail and adherence to the procedures outlined in the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.

Serving Notice

The process begins with the property owner (the building owner) serving a formal notice to their neighbour (the adjoining owner). The notice should include:

  • Description of the Proposed Work: Detailed information about the construction or alteration work to be carried out.
  • Start Date: The proposed start date for the work, which must be at least two months after the notice is served for work on a party wall or boundary line, and one month for excavation work.
  • Adjoining Owner’s Rights: Information on the adjoining owner’s rights under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, including their right to dissent and appoint a surveyor.

Adjoining Owner’s Response

Upon receiving the notice, the adjoining owner has 14 days to respond. They can:

  • Consent to the Work: If the adjoining owner consents to the work, the process can proceed without the need for a formal Party Wall Agreement.
  • Dissent and Appoint a Surveyor: If the adjoining owner dissents (or fails to respond within 14 days), a Party Wall Agreement is required. Both parties must appoint a surveyor to prepare the agreement.

Appointment of Surveyors

If the adjoining owner dissents, each party must appoint a surveyor. Alternatively, both parties can agree to appoint a single, ‘agreed surveyor’ to act impartially for both parties.

Preparation of the Party Wall Award

The appointed surveyors prepare a Party Wall Award (agreement), which includes:

  • Scope of Work: Detailed description of the proposed work and how it will be carried out.
  • Schedule of Condition: A record of the condition of the adjoining property before the work begins, to identify any potential damage caused by the work.
  • Access Arrangements: Provisions for access to the adjoining property, if necessary, for the work to be carried out.
  • Working Hours: Agreed hours during which the work can be carried out to minimise disruption.
  • Protective Measures: Measures to safeguard the adjoining property during the work, such as temporary supports or protective coverings.
  • Dispute Resolution: Procedures for resolving any disputes during the work.

Service of the Award

Once the Party Wall Award is prepared, it is served to both the building and adjoining owners. Both parties must comply with the terms of the award.


If either party disagrees with the Party Wall Award, they have 14 days to appeal to the county court. The court can affirm, modify, or revoke the award.

Critical Considerations in Party Wall Agreements

Several key considerations are essential for ensuring the effectiveness and reliability of Party Wall Agreements:

Accurate Notices and Documentation

It is crucial to ensure that all notices and documentation are accurate and complete. This includes detailed descriptions of the work, timelines, and the adjoining owner’s rights.

Selection of Competent Surveyors

Choosing experienced and competent surveyors with expertise in construction and property law is essential for preparing a fair and comprehensive Party Wall Award.

Clear Communication

Maintaining clear and open communication between the building owner, adjoining owner, and surveyors helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes. Regular updates and consultations are important for addressing any concerns.

Adherence to Legal Requirements

Adhering to the legal requirements of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 ensures that the process is legally compliant and that the rights of both parties are protected.

Monitoring and Compliance

Monitoring the work and ensuring compliance with the terms of the Party Wall Award is essential. This includes regular inspections and promptly addressing any issues.

Benefits of Party Wall Agreements

Party Wall Agreements offer numerous benefits, including legal protection, dispute prevention, and the assurance that construction work is carried out safely and professionally.

Legal Certainty

A Party Wall Agreement provides legal certainty by clearly defining the rights and responsibilities of both parties. This helps prevent disputes and ensures that both parties understand their obligations.

Protection Against Damage

The Agreement includes provisions for safeguarding the adjoining property during the construction work. This helps prevent damage and ensures that any issues are promptly addressed.

Clear Procedures for Dispute Resolution

The Agreement sets out clear procedures for resolving any disputes that may arise during the work. This includes appointing surveyors, preparing a Party Wall Award, and providing for appeals to the county court.

Minimising Disruption

By agreeing on working hours, access arrangements, and protective measures, a Party Wall Agreement helps minimise disruption to the adjoining owner. This is particularly important in residential areas.

Challenges and Considerations

While Party Wall Agreements provide essential benefits, they also present certain challenges and considerations:

Complexity of the Process

The process of obtaining a Party Wall Agreement can be complex and time-consuming. Ensuring that all notices and documentation are accurate and the legal requirements are met is essential for preventing delays.

Potential for Disputes

Despite the formalisation of the process, disputes can still arise. Clear communication and choosing competent surveyors can help prevent and resolve disputes effectively.


The costs of obtaining a Party Wall Agreement, including surveyor and potential legal fees, can be significant. Ensuring that these costs are understood and budgeted for is important.

Adherence to the Award

Both parties must adhere to the terms of the Party Wall Award. Ensuring compliance and addressing any issues promptly is essential for preventing further disputes.

Case Studies and Examples

Residential Extension

Mr. and Mrs. Smith planned to build an extension to their home, which required work on a party wall shared with their neighbour, Mr. Jones. They served a formal notice to Mr. Jones, who dissented and appointed a surveyor. Mr. and Mrs. Smith also appointed a surveyor, and the two surveyors prepared a Party Wall Award. The Award included a schedule of condition, working hours, and protective measures for Mr. Jones’s property. The work proceeded smoothly, with both parties adhering to the terms of the Award.

Commercial Development

A commercial developer planned to build a new office block, which required excavation work within 3 metres of an adjoining property. The developer gave the adjoining property owner a formal notice, who consented to the work. A Party Wall Agreement was prepared, including access arrangements and protective measures for the adjoining property. The work was completed without any disputes, and the developer adhered to the terms of the Agreement.

Loft Conversion

Ms. Brown planned a loft conversion, which involved raising the height of a party wall shared with her neighbour, Mr. Green. She served a formal notice to Mr. Green, who initially consented but later raised concerns about potential damage. Both parties appointed surveyors, who prepared a Party Wall Award. The Award included a detailed description of the work, a schedule of condition, and protective measures for Mr. Green’s property. The work was carried out with minimal disruption, and any issues were promptly addressed.

Several legal instruments and safeguards ensure the effective implementation and reliability of Party Wall Agreements:

Party Wall Notices

Serving accurate and timely Party Wall Notices is crucial for initiating the process and ensuring that the adjoining owner is informed of the proposed work.

Appointment of Surveyors

Appointing competent and experienced surveyors ensures that the Party Wall Award is fair and comprehensive. Surveyors should have expertise in construction and property law.

Schedule of Condition

Preparing a detailed schedule of condition provides a record of the adjoining property’s condition before the work begins. This helps identify any potential damage caused by the work and ensures that it is addressed.

Legal Advice and Representation

Seeking legal advice and representation ensures that the Party Wall Agreement is legally sound and that all legal requirements are met. Solicitors can provide guidance on the process and address any issues that arise.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Including dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation or arbitration, in the Party Wall Award provides a structured process for addressing any disagreements that arise. This helps prevent costly and time-consuming legal battles.

Best Practices

Adopting best practices can enhance the effectiveness and success of Party Wall Agreements:

Early and Clear Communication

Early and clear communication between the building owner, adjoining owner, and surveyors ensures the process proceeds smoothly. Providing prompt notice and clear information about the proposed work helps prevent misunderstandings.

Thorough Documentation

Thorough documentation of the Party Wall Agreement, including the terms of the Award and the schedule of condition, provides clarity and prevents disputes. Ensuring that all agreements are well-documented and legally sound is essential.

Regular Monitoring and Compliance

Regular monitoring of the work and ensuring compliance with the terms of the Party Wall Award is crucial for preventing disputes and addressing any issues promptly. This includes regular inspections and consultations with the surveyors.

Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice from solicitors and surveyors provides valuable guidance on managing and obtaining Party Wall Agreements. Professional advice helps ensure compliance with legal requirements and addresses any issues that arise.


Party Wall Agreements are vital tools in construction and property maintenance. They provide legal protection, prevent disputes, and ensure that work is carried out safely and professionally. Property owners can effectively manage these agreements by understanding the legal framework, procedures, and strategic considerations associated with Party Wall Agreements and ensuring successful outcomes.

At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance to clients navigating the complexities of Party Wall Agreements. Whether dealing with residential extensions, commercial developments, or loft conversions, our expertise ensures clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

By adopting best practices, seeking professional advice, and maintaining clear communication, clients can effectively manage Party Wall Agreements and achieve positive outcomes. When managed correctly, party wall agreements provide transparency, predictability, and legal compliance, ensuring smooth and successful construction and property maintenance.

Party Wall Agreement FAQ'S

A party wall agreement is a legally binding document between neighbours that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party when building works are to be carried out on a shared wall or structure. It is required under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.

A party wall agreement is required for construction work involving:

  • Work on an existing party wall or structure
  • Building a new wall on the boundary
  • Excavation within 3 to 6 metres of a neighbouring building or structure

To serve a party wall notice, you must provide written notice to your neighbour(s) at least two months before starting any work on the party wall or one month before excavation work. The notice should include details of the proposed work and your contact information.

A party wall notice should include:

  • Your name and address
  • The address of the property where work will be carried out
  • A full description of the proposed work
  • The intended start date
  • A statement that the notice is given under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996

If your neighbour does not respond within 14 days, they are considered to be in dispute. You will then need to appoint a party wall surveyor to prepare a party wall award, which is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

No, starting work without a party wall agreement can lead to legal action from your neighbour. You must obtain either written consent from your neighbour or a party wall award before commencing any work.

A party wall award is a document prepared by a party wall surveyor that sets out the details of the work to be carried out, the condition of the neighbouring property, and the responsibilities of both parties. It also outlines the procedure for resolving any disputes that may arise.

Typically, the building owner who initiates the work pays for the party wall surveyor’s fees. However, if both parties appoint their own surveyors, each party is usually responsible for their own surveyor’s fees. The costs can sometimes be shared if the surveyors agree.

If you receive a party wall notice, you can:

  • Consent to the work in writing
  • Refuse consent, which puts the parties in dispute and necessitates a party wall award
  • Appoint a party wall surveyor to represent your interests

Yes, you can appeal a party wall award within 14 days of receiving it. Appeals are made to the county court, and the court will consider whether the award is fair and reasonable based on the evidence presented.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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