Section 15 Notice

Section 15 Notice
Section 15 Notice
Full Overview Of Section 15 Notice

The Section 15 Notice plays a pivotal role in landlord and tenant law. It is a legal instrument rooted in the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987, specifically addressing tenants’ rights in certain buildings where the landlord intends to sell the property. This notice is an integral part of the statutory process that aims to offer tenants the first right of refusal before the landlord sells the building or any part of it. Understanding the intricacies of Section 15 Notice is crucial for landlords, tenants, and legal practitioners alike.


Historical Context and Legislative Framework

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 was introduced to provide tenants with greater protection and a fair opportunity to acquire their property, should the landlord decide to sell it. Section 15 of this Act mandates that landlords serve a notice to qualifying tenants, offering them the chance to purchase the property before it is marketed to outside buyers. This process is often called the ‘right of first refusal.’

Scope and Applicability

Qualifying Tenants

A Section 15 Notice applies to ‘qualifying tenants’ within a building. To be considered a qualifying tenant, certain criteria must be met:

  1. Residential Occupation: The tenant must occupy the premises as a residence. This typically excludes commercial tenants unless they also reside in the property.
  2. Length of Tenure: The tenant must hold a lease that was originally granted for a term exceeding 21 years or have a tenancy that grants a right to renew or extend the lease beyond 21 years.
  3. Number of Tenants: At least 50% of the flats in the building must be held by qualifying tenants. This requirement ensures that landlords cannot circumvent the notice in buildings with only a small number of residential tenants.


Certain buildings and transactions are exempt from the requirements of Section 15. These include:

  1. Small Buildings: Buildings with fewer than two flats.
  2. Resident Landlords: Buildings where the landlord or an adult family member has resided for at least 12 months and it is their only or principal home.
  3. Charitable Housing Trusts: Sales to other charities by charitable housing trusts.
  4. Sales to Associated Companies: Transfers between associated companies within a corporate group.

Procedure and Requirements

Serving the Notice

The Section 15 Notice must be served in a prescribed manner, adhering to specific formalities to ensure its validity:

  1. Written Notice: The notice must be in writing, clearly indicating the landlord’s intention to sell the property and offering the tenants the right of first refusal.
  2. Information Provided: The notice must include comprehensive information about the proposed sale, such as the sale price, terms of sale, and the purchaser’s identity (if an agreement has been reached).
  3. Service on Tenants: The notice must be served on each qualifying tenant individually. This is typically done via personal delivery or registered post to ensure receipt.

Tenant Response

Upon receiving a Section 15 Notice, tenants have a specific timeframe within which to respond:

  1. Acceptance of Offer: Tenants must respond within the period specified in the notice, usually two months, indicating whether they wish to accept the offer and proceed with the purchase.
  2. Formation of a Nominee Purchaser: If the tenants decide to proceed, they must nominate a purchaser, typically a company formed by the tenants or an appointed individual acting on their behalf.
  3. Completion of Purchase: The tenants and the landlord will then negotiate the terms and complete the sale within the timeframe stipulated in the notice, usually six months from the date of acceptance.

Failure to Serve Notice

If a landlord fails to serve a Section 15 Notice when required, or if the notice is improperly served, significant legal consequences may ensue:

  1. Injunctions: Tenants may apply to the court for an injunction to prevent the sale to an outside buyer until the proper notice is served and the statutory procedure is followed.
  2. Damages: Tenants may also claim damages for any loss due to the landlord’s failure to comply with the notice requirements.

Tenants’ Right to Information

Tenants are entitled to request further information about the proposed sale. The landlord must comply with such requests promptly and provide the necessary details to enable the tenants to make an informed decision.

Subsequent Sales

If the tenants do not accept the offer within the stipulated period, the landlord is free to sell the property to an outside buyer. However, the terms of the sale must not be materially more favourable to the buyer than those offered to the tenants. If the terms are more favourable, the tenants have the right to challenge the sale and potentially claim the difference in value.

Strategic Considerations for Landlords and Tenants

For Landlords

Landlords must carefully navigate the Section 15 Notice process to avoid legal pitfalls. Key considerations include:

  1. Timely Notice: Ensuring that the notice is served well in advance of any proposed sale to allow sufficient time for tenant response and potential negotiations.
  2. Accurate Information: Providing complete and accurate information in the notice to avoid disputes and potential claims from tenants.
  3. Legal Advice: Seeking legal advice to ensure compliance with all statutory requirements and to address any complexities that may arise during the process.

For Tenants

Tenants should be proactive in exercising their rights under Section 15. Key considerations include:

  1. Prompt Response: Responding to the notice within the specified period to preserve their right of first refusal.
  2. Collective Action: Collaborating with other qualifying tenants to form a nominee purchaser and negotiate the terms of the sale.
  3. Legal and Financial Advice: Obtaining legal and financial advice to understand the purchase’s implications and ensure that the transaction is in their best interests.

Case Law and Practical Examples

Notable Cases

Several court cases have highlighted the importance of strict adherence to the Section 15 Notice requirements. For example, in the case of Cadogan v. McCarthy, the court emphasised that any deviation from the prescribed format or failure to provide adequate information could render the notice invalid, thereby delaying the sale process.

Practical Scenarios

Consider a scenario where a landlord intends to sell a block of flats. The landlord must serve a Section 15 Notice to all qualifying tenants, providing details of the proposed sale. Upon receiving the notice, the tenants decide to accept the offer and form a nominee purchaser company. They negotiate the terms with the landlord and complete the purchase, thereby securing their homes and potentially benefiting from future property value appreciation.

Challenges and Future Developments


The Section 15 Notice process is not without its challenges. These include:

  1. Complexity of Procedure: The statutory requirements are complex, and any misstep can result in legal disputes and delays.
  2. Financial Implications: Tenants may face hurdles in raising the necessary funds to purchase the property, particularly in high-value areas.
  3. Coordination Among Tenants: Achieving consensus and coordinating actions among multiple tenants can be challenging, particularly in larger buildings.

Future Developments

As the property market evolves, there may be calls for legislative reforms to streamline the Section 15 Notice process and address emerging challenges. Potential developments could include:

  1. Simplified Procedures: Simplifying the notice requirements and reducing the administrative burden on landlords and tenants.
  2. Enhanced Tenant Support: Providing financial assistance or advisory services to help tenants navigate the purchase process.
  3. Digital Platforms: Leveraging digital platforms to facilitate tenant communication and coordination and streamline the transaction process.


The Section 15 Notice is a critical component of tenant protection under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987. It ensures that tenants have the opportunity to purchase their homes before the property is sold on the open market. While the process is complex and requires careful navigation, it ultimately aims to balance the interests of landlords and tenants, providing a fair and transparent mechanism for property transactions. As legal practitioners, landlords, and tenants continue to engage with this process, a thorough understanding of the Section 15 Notice and its implications will remain essential.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 10th July 2024.

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To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Section 15 Notice. DLS Solicitors. January 20 2025
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Section 15 Notice. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: January 20 2025).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Section 15 Notice. Retrieved January 20 2025, from website:
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