Statutory Will Application

Statutory Will Application
Statutory Will Application
Full Overview Of Statutory Will Application

Statutory wills are crucial instruments in estate planning and administration, particularly for individuals who lack the capacity to make a will themselves. As legal professionals at DLS Solicitors, we understand the complexities and sensitivities involved in creating and applying for statutory wills.

This comprehensive overview aims to clarify the legal framework, practical considerations, and procedural steps involved in statutory will applications, providing a clear and detailed guide for clients and practitioners alike.

In England and Wales, the Mental Capacity Act of 2005 (MCA) primarily governs the statutory will. The MCA provides the legal basis for making decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity to do so themselves, including creating a will.

Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA)

The MCA establishes a clear and structured approach to assessing mental capacity and making decisions for those who lack it. It includes the following key principles relevant to statutory wills:

  • Presumption of Capacity: Every adult is presumed to have capacity unless proven otherwise.
  • Right to Make Unwise Decisions: Individuals have the right to make decisions that others might consider unwise.
  • Best Interests: Any decision made on behalf of someone who lacks capacity must be in their best interests.
  • Least Restrictive Option: Any intervention must be the least restrictive of the person’s rights and freedoms.

Court of Protection

The Court of Protection has the authority to make decisions regarding the property, financial affairs, and personal welfare of individuals who lack capacity. It also considers applications for statutory wills.

Importance of Statutory Wills

Statutory wills play a vital role in ensuring that the estates of individuals who lack capacity are distributed according to a logical and just framework, aligning with their best interests and any known wishes.

Protection of Vulnerable Individuals

Statutory wills protect vulnerable individuals who cannot make a will themselves due to mental incapacity. They ensure that these individuals’ estates are managed and distributed in their best interests.

Avoiding Intestacy

Without a statutory will, an individual who lacks capacity would die intestate, meaning their estate would be distributed according to the statutory rules of intestacy. This might not reflect their wishes or the needs of their dependants. A statutory will can provide a more personalised distribution.

Resolving Family Disputes

Statutory wills can help resolve potential disputes among family members by providing a clear and legally sanctioned distribution plan for the estate. This clarity helps prevent conflicts and ensures a smoother administration process.

Assessing Capacity

Before a statutory will can be considered, it must be established that the individual lacks the capacity to make a will. The MCA outlines a two-stage test for assessing capacity:

Diagnostic Test

This involves determining whether there is an impairment or disturbance in the functioning of the mind or brain. Conditions such as dementia, brain injury, or severe mental illness might qualify.

Functional Test

This assesses whether the impairment or disturbance affects the person’s ability to make a specific decision. To have capacity, an individual must be able to understand, retain, use or weigh relevant information, and communicate their decision.

Application Process

The process of applying for a statutory will involves several steps, each requiring careful attention to detail and adherence to legal requirements.

Preparing the Application

The application to the Court of Protection must be thorough and well-documented. It should include:

  • Details of the Individual: Information about the person for whom the statutory will is being made, including medical evidence of their lack of capacity.
  • Proposed Will: A draft of the proposed statutory will, outlining how the estate should be distributed.
  • Statement of Reasons: A comprehensive statement explaining why the statutory will is in the individual’s best interests.
  • Supporting Evidence: Any additional evidence that supports the application, such as witness statements or financial information.

Submitting the Application

The application and the appropriate fee are submitted to the Court of Protection. To avoid delays, it is essential to ensure that all required documents and information are included.


Relevant parties must be notified of the application. This typically includes close family members and any potential beneficiaries. They have the right to support or contest the application.

Court Consideration

The Court of Protection will consider the application, considering all the submitted evidence and any representations from interested parties. The court’s primary concern is whether the proposed will is in the individual’s best interests.

Court Decision

The court may approve the statutory will as proposed, suggest modifications, or, in some cases, reject the application. If approved, the court will issue an order authorising the statutory will, which has the same legal standing as if the individual had made it themselves.

Best Interests and Ethical Considerations

The concept of ‘best interests’ is central to creating a statutory will. Determining what is in the best interests of an individual who lacks capacity involves a holistic and empathetic approach.

Known Wishes and Feelings

The individual’s wishes, feelings, beliefs, and values should be considered. This might include past statements they made, their lifestyle choices, and their relationships with family and friends.

Consultation with Relatives and Carers

Relatives, carers, and other significant individuals in the person’s life should be consulted. Their insights can provide valuable context and help ensure that the statutory will reflects what the individual would have wanted.

Financial and Personal Circumstances

The individual’s financial and personal circumstances must be thoroughly assessed. This includes understanding their current and future financial needs, any dependants they support, and their overall welfare.

Least Restrictive Option

Decisions should be the least restrictive of the individual’s rights and freedoms. This principle ensures that the statutory will does not unnecessarily limit the individual’s autonomy and respects their dignity.

Practical Considerations

Several practical considerations must be addressed when preparing a statutory will to ensure a smooth process and an appropriate outcome.

Detailed Financial Assessment

A comprehensive financial assessment is crucial to understanding the estate’s value and any existing liabilities. This ensures that the statutory will can provide for debts and distribute assets effectively.

Identifying Beneficiaries

Identifying potential beneficiaries involves mapping the individual’s family tree and understanding their relationships. This helps ensure that all relevant parties are considered in the statutory will.

Tax Implications

Considering the tax implications of the statutory will is essential. This includes understanding inheritance tax liabilities and structuring the will to minimise the tax burden on the estate.

Future Needs

The statutory will should account for the future needs of the individual, including any long-term care requirements. This ensures that sufficient funds are allocated to support their well-being.

Case Studies

Protecting a Vulnerable Adult

Mrs. Taylor, a wealthy widow suffering from advanced dementia, lacked the capacity to make a will. Her adult children applied for a statutory will to ensure her estate would be distributed fairly among her descendants. The court approved the statutory will, ensuring that Mrs. Taylor’s grandchildren received a share of the inheritance, reflecting her known wishes and maintaining family harmony.

Resolving Family Disputes

Mr. Roberts, a man with severe learning disabilities, had no will and was unable to create one. His siblings disagreed over how his modest estate should be distributed. The Court of Protection was petitioned for a statutory will, which provided a balanced distribution to all siblings, considering Mr. Roberts’s relationship with each of them and resolving the dispute amicably.

Provision for Long-Term Care

Miss Evans, who had no immediate family and was living with a debilitating mental health condition, required a statutory will to manage her substantial estate. The application included provisions for her long-term care needs, ensuring that her preferred care home was funded and that her remaining assets were left to a charitable organisation she supported. The court approved the will, ensuring her future needs were met.

Challenges and Considerations

Ethical Dilemmas

Balancing the individual’s best interests with the wishes and expectations of family members can present ethical dilemmas. It requires careful consideration and sensitivity to ensure fairness and respect for the individual’s dignity.

Family Dynamics

Family dynamics can complicate the application process. Disagreements among family members about the proposed will’s content can lead to conflicts and delays. Effective communication and mediation can help mitigate these issues.

Legal and Professional Responsibilities

Professionals involved in statutory will applications have a duty to ensure compliance with legal requirements and ethical standards. Regular training and staying updated with legal developments are crucial to fulfilling these responsibilities effectively.

Best Practices

Comprehensive Training

It is essential to provide comprehensive training for legal professionals involved in statutory will applications. The training should cover the legal framework, ethical considerations, and practical skills needed to support individuals effectively.

Person-Centred Approach

Adopting a person-centred approach ensures that the individual’s preferences, values, and rights are at the forefront of all decisions. This involves actively engaging with those who know the individual best and respecting their known wishes wherever possible.

Clear Documentation

Accurate and clear documentation of the application, decisions, and the rationale behind those decisions is crucial. Good documentation provides transparency, accountability, and evidence of compliance with legal requirements.

Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

Collaboration among legal advisors, medical professionals, and family members ensures a holistic approach to the statutory will process. Multi-disciplinary teams can provide comprehensive support and make well-informed decisions.

Regular Reviews

Regular reviews of the statutory will and the decisions made on behalf of the individual are necessary. Circumstances and conditions can change, and continuous monitoring ensures that decisions remain in the individual’s best interests.


Statutory wills are an essential tool for protecting the interests of individuals who lack the capacity to make their own wills. They ensure that the estates of these individuals are managed and distributed according to a logical, just, and personalised framework, aligning with their best interests and any known wishes.

At DLS Solicitors, we recognise the importance of statutory wills in providing for vulnerable individuals and resolving potential family disputes. By understanding the legal framework, practical considerations, and procedural steps involved, we can effectively guide our clients through the complexities of statutory will applications.

Navigating the statutory will process requires sensitivity, foresight, and a thorough understanding of the legal landscape. At DLS Solicitors, we are committed to providing comprehensive and empathetic support to ensure that the estates of those lacking capacity are managed and distributed to respect their dignity and best interests.

Statutory Will Application FAQ'S

A statutory will is a will made on behalf of someone who lacks the mental capacity to make their own will. It is created and approved by the Court of Protection in the best interests of the incapacitated person.

An application for a statutory will can be made by anyone with an interest in the incapacitated person’s estate, such as a family member, friend, or solicitor. The application is submitted to the Court of Protection.

The Court of Protection considers the best interests of the incapacitated person, including their financial needs, relationships with family and friends, their previous wishes and feelings, and any existing wills or estate plans.

To apply for a statutory will, you need to submit an application to the Court of Protection, including forms COP1, COP1B, and COP24, along with a detailed statement explaining why a statutory will is necessary and how it serves the best interests of the incapacitated person.

Required documents include medical evidence of the person’s lack of capacity, any existing wills or estate plans, financial information about the estate, and a draft of the proposed statutory will.

The process can take several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the court’s schedule. The Court of Protection will review the application, gather evidence, and may hold a hearing before making a decision.

Costs can vary but generally include court fees, legal fees, and fees for obtaining medical evidence. Court fees for submitting an application to the Court of Protection are currently £371. Legal fees will depend on the solicitor’s rates and the complexity of the case.

Yes, interested parties can contest a statutory will by presenting their objections to the Court of Protection. The court will consider these objections and decide based on the best interests of the incapacitated person.

If the incapacitated person regains mental capacity, they can revoke the statutory will and create a new will according to their own wishes.

Yes, if circumstances change, an application can be made to the Court of Protection to amend or update the statutory will. This requires a new application process, including evidence and a detailed explanation of why the changes are necessary.


This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 11th July 2024.

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Our team of professionals are based in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We offer clear, specialist legal advice in all matters relating to Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Lasting Power of Attorney and Court of Protection.

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