Define: Abode

Quick Summary of Abode

One’s home; habitation; place of dwelling; or residence. Ordinarily means “domicile.” Living place impermanent in character. The place where a person dwells. Residence of a legal voter. Fixed place of residence for the time being. For service of process, one’s fixed place of residence for the time being; his or her “usual place of abode.”

Abode FAQ'S

An abode refers to a place where someone lives or resides. It can be a house, apartment, or any other place that serves as a person’s home.

While “abode” and “residence” are often used interchangeably, there can be subtle differences. “Abode” tends to have a more poetic or formal connotation, while “residence” may be more commonly used in legal or administrative contexts.

One’s abode can have legal implications, particularly in matters related to taxation, voting rights, jurisdiction, and eligibility for government benefits.

Yes, a temporary lodging such as a hotel, motel, or temporary rental can be considered an abode if it serves as the person’s primary residence or place of habitation for a certain period.

Factors that determine someone’s abode include where they sleep, receive mail, pay bills, register for voting, and establish legal residence. It is primarily based on where an individual has a physical presence and intends to make their home.

Yes, a person may have multiple abodes if they maintain residences in different locations, such as a primary residence and a vacation home. However, one location is typically designated as the individual’s primary abode for legal and tax purposes.

Abode can affect jurisdiction by determining which court or legal jurisdiction has authority over a particular matter. Jurisdiction is often based on where the defendant resides or where the events leading to the legal dispute occurred.

Yes, individuals can change their abode by moving to a new location and establishing residency there. This may involve updating legal documents, such as driver’s licenses, voter registration, and tax records, to reflect the new address.

Domicile refers to a person’s permanent legal residence, while abode refers to the place where someone currently lives or resides. Domicile is typically established by intent to remain indefinitely, while abode may be temporary or more transient.

Yes, a homeless person may still have an abode if they regularly stay in a particular location, such as a shelter, park, or public space. However, the legal implications of such an abode may vary depending on local laws and regulations.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Abode. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Abode. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Abode. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: