Define: Adjourned Term

Adjourned Term
Adjourned Term
Quick Summary of Adjourned Term

In legal terms, an adjourned term refers to a postponement or delay in a court proceeding, trial, or hearing to a future date or time. This adjournment may occur for various reasons, such as the need for additional preparation, scheduling conflicts, or the unavailability of parties, attorneys, or witnesses. During an adjourned term, the court may suspend proceedings temporarily until the specified date or time, at which point the case will be resumed and continued from where it left off. Adjourned terms allow parties to address logistical issues, gather additional evidence, or engage in settlement negotiations, while ensuring that the legal process remains fair, efficient, and orderly.

What is the dictionary definition of Adjourned Term?
Dictionary Definition of Adjourned Term

A continuance of a previous or regular court session that results from postponement.

Adjourned Term: A period of time during which a meeting, session, or court case has been temporarily suspended or postponed to a later date. This term is commonly used in legal and parliamentary contexts to indicate a break in proceedings.

Full Definition Of Adjourned Term

When a term is adjourned, it is actually prolonged due to a temporary putting-off of the business being conducted.

An adjourned term refers to a period of time during which a court case or legal proceeding is temporarily suspended or postponed to a later date. This may occur for various reasons, such as the need for additional evidence, the unavailability of a key party or witness, or the need for further legal research. During an adjourned term, the court retains jurisdiction over the case and may issue orders or directions as necessary. The adjourned term allows for the efficient and fair administration of justice by providing parties with the opportunity to address any outstanding issues before the case proceeds to its next stage.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Adjourned Term. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Adjourned Term. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Adjourned Term. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: