Define: Admissible

Quick Summary of Admissible

“Admissible” is a term used in legal contexts to describe evidence or information that is permitted to be presented in court or considered by a judge or jury during a trial or other legal proceeding. Admissible evidence is relevant, reliable, and obtained in accordance with legal rules and procedures. To be admissible, evidence must meet certain criteria established by law, including relevance to the issues in dispute, authenticity, credibility, and compliance with rules regarding the collection and presentation of evidence. Inadmissible evidence, on the other hand, is evidence that does not meet these criteria and is therefore excluded from consideration by the court. The admissibility of evidence is a critical aspect of legal proceedings, as it helps to ensure the fairness, integrity, and reliability of the judicial process. Courts carefully evaluate the admissibility of evidence to safeguard against the introduction of unreliable or prejudicial information that could unfairly influence the outcome of a case.

What is the dictionary definition of Admissible?
Dictionary Definition of Admissible

Admissible (adjective): 1. Capable of being allowed, accepted, or considered valid within a particular context, situation, or legal framework. Example: The evidence presented in court was deemed admissible by the judge. 2. Meeting the necessary criteria or requirements for inclusion or acceptance. Example: Only students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 are admissible to the honours program. 3. Permitted or allowed by rules, regulations, or standards. Example: The admissible weight limit for this elevator is 1000 pounds. 4. Considered reasonable, logical, or relevant in a given argument, discussion, or debate. Example: The lawyer presented an admissible argument that convinced the jury of his client’s innocence.

Full Definition Of Admissible

A term used to describe information that is relevant to a determination of issues in any judicial proceeding so that such information can be properly considered by a judge or jury in making a decision.

Evidence is admissible if it is of such a character that the court is bound to accept it during the trial so that it may be evaluated by the judge or jury. Admissible evidence is the foundation of the deliberation process by which a court or jury decides upon a judgement or verdict.

The federal rules of evidence regulate the admissibility of evidence in federal courts. State RULES OF EVIDENCE determine evidence that is admissible in state court proceedings.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Admissible. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Admissible. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Admissible. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: