Define: Adult

Quick Summary of Adult

In a legal context, the term “adult” typically refers to an individual who has reached the age of majority, which is the age at which a person is legally recognised as an adult and is granted certain rights and responsibilities. The age of majority varies by jurisdiction but is commonly set at 18 years old. Upon reaching adulthood, individuals are entitled to exercise various legal rights, such as entering into contracts, voting in elections, serving on juries, and making decisions about their healthcare and finances. Additionally, adults are subject to legal obligations, including paying taxes, obeying laws, and fulfiling contractual agreements. The concept of adulthood is fundamental to many areas of law, including family law, criminal law, contract law, and property law, as it determines an individual’s legal capacity and status in society.

What is the dictionary definition of Adult?
Dictionary Definition of Adult

Adult (noun): A fully grown individual who has reached the age of maturity, typically characterized by physical and mental development beyond adolescence. An adult is generally considered to be someone who has attained legal age, which varies across different countries and jurisdictions. In addition to physical growth, adulthood is often associated with increased responsibilities, independence, and the ability to make informed decisions. Adults are expected to possess a certain level of knowledge, experience, and wisdom gained through life experiences, enabling them to navigate various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and personal development.

Full Definition Of Adult

A person who by virtue of attaining a certain age, generally eighteen, is regarded in the eyes of the law as being able to manage his or her own affairs.

The age specified by law, called the legal age of majority, indicates that a person acquires full legal capacity to be bound by various documents, such as contracts and deeds, that he or she makes with others and to commit other legal acts such as voting in elections and entering marriage. The age at which a person becomes an adult varies from state to state and often varies within a state, depending upon the nature of the action taken by the person. Thus, a person wishing to obtain a licence to operate a motor vehicle may be considered an adult at age sixteen, but may not reach adulthood until age eighteen for purposes of marriage, or age twenty-one for purposes of purchasing intoxicating liquors.

Anyone who has not reached the age of adulthood is legally considered anĀ infant.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Adult. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Adult. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: