Define: Affirmation Of Fact

Affirmation Of Fact
Affirmation Of Fact
Quick Summary of Affirmation Of Fact

An affirmation of fact is a statement made by an individual asserting the truth or accuracy of a particular claim or assertion. Unlike an oath, which involves invoking a deity or religious belief, an affirmation does not rely on religious principles and instead affirms the truthfulness of the statement based on the individual’s personal integrity. Affirmations of fact are commonly used in legal proceedings, such as court testimonies or sworn affidavits, where individuals are required to provide truthful information under penalty of perjury. By affirming the accuracy of their statements, individuals commit to providing truthful testimony or information without the need for religious belief.

What is the dictionary definition of Affirmation Of Fact?
Dictionary Definition of Affirmation Of Fact

An affirmation of fact is a statement of fact or promise made as part of a bargain.

A statement that confirms the details of a contract or transaction is based in fact and is not just an opinion being expressed.

Affirmation of Fact is a statement or declaration made by an individual or entity that asserts the truth or accuracy of a particular piece of information. This affirmation is typically made under oath or penalty of perjury and is used to confirm the veracity of a fact or claim in a legal or official context.

Full Definition Of Affirmation Of Fact

Affirmation of fact refers to a statement made by an individual that asserts the truth or existence of a particular fact. In legal terms, an affirmation of fact is a representation made by one party to another during the course of a transaction or agreement. This representation is considered binding and can be relied upon by the other party. If the affirmation of fact turns out to be false or misleading, the party who made the statement may be held liable for any resulting damages or losses suffered by the other party. The legal principle of affirmation of fact is often invoked in cases involving fraud, misrepresentation, or breach of contract. It serves as a means to ensure honesty and accuracy in business dealings and to protect the rights and interests of parties involved in a transaction.

An affirmation of fact is a statement of fact or promise made as part of a bargain. It is a positive assertion of a fact or a statement concerning the subject matter of a transaction, which might otherwise be only an expression of opinion, which is affirmed as an existing fact material to the transaction and reasonably induces the other party to rely upon it as a fact. It usually arises in a claim of breach of warranty. An affirmation of fact is presumed to be a part of the bargain, and any fact that would remove such affirmation from the agreement requires clear affirmative proof.

Basically, an affirmation of fact confirms that a statement is based on facts rather than solely on an opinion.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Affirmation Of Fact. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Affirmation Of Fact. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Affirmation Of Fact. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: