Define: Affirmation

Quick Summary of Affirmation

An affirmation is a solemn declaration or statement made by an individual in lieu of an oath, typically used in legal proceedings or other formal contexts where swearing on religious grounds is not appropriate or preferred. When providing an affirmation, the individual affirms the truthfulness of their statements without invoking a religious oath. Affirmations are commonly used by individuals who do not wish to swear on religious texts or for legal purposes in jurisdictions where secular alternatives to oaths are permitted. By making an affirmation, the individual commits to tell the truth under penalty of law, similar to taking an oath, but without invoking religious beliefs. Affirmations serve to uphold the integrity of legal proceedings and ensure that witnesses and parties provide truthful testimony or statements.

What is the dictionary definition of Affirmation?
Dictionary Definition of Affirmation

A solemn and formal declaration that an affidavit is true. This is substituted for an oath in certain cases.

A solemn and formal declaration of the truth of a statement, such as an affidavit or the actual or prospective testimony of a witness or a party, takes the place of an oath. An affirmation is also used when a person cannot take an oath because of religious convictions.

Affirmation is a noun that refers to the act of confirming or asserting something as true, valid, or factual. It is a positive declaration or statement that validates or supports a belief, opinion, or idea. Affirmations are often used to boost self-confidence, promote positive thinking, or reinforce desired behaviours. They can be expressed verbally, written down, or repeated mentally to reinforce a positive mindset and encourage personal growth and development.

Full Definition Of Affirmation

Affirmation is a legal term that refers to a solemn declaration made by an individual in lieu of an oath. It is an alternative to taking an oath, typically used by individuals who have religious or personal beliefs that prevent them from swearing an oath. An affirmation carries the same legal weight as an oath and is considered a legally binding statement. It is commonly used in legal proceedings, such as court hearings or depositions, where individuals are required to provide truthful testimony. By affirming, individuals declare that the information they provide is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge, without invoking any religious or divine authority.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Affirmation. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Affirmation. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Affirmation. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: