Define: Amendment

Quick Summary of Amendment

The modification of materials by the addition of supplemental information; the deletion of unnecessary, undesirable, or outdated information; or the correction of errors existing in the text.

What is the dictionary definition of Amendment?
Dictionary Definition of Amendment

A change or addition to a legal document that, when properly signed, has the same legal power as the original document.

Amendment (noun): 1. A formal alteration or addition made to a legal document, especially a constitution, law, or treaty, in order to modify, clarify, or update its provisions. Amendments are typically enacted to address changing societal needs, correct previous errors or omissions, or protect individual rights and freedoms. 2. In the context of the United States Constitution, an amendment refers to any of the changes or additions made to the original text of the Constitution since its ratification in 1788. These amendments, known as the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments, serve to safeguard fundamental rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms, while also addressing issues like voting rights, prohibition, and presidential term limits. 3. A modification or adjustment made to a proposal, plan, or idea in order to improve or enhance its effectiveness, fairness, or practicality. Amendments are often suggested and debated in legislative bodies to refine legislation or address concerns raised during the decision-making process.

Full Definition Of Amendment

An amendment refers to an alteration or addition made to a legal document, such as a constitution, statute, or contract. It is a formal process that allows for changes to be made to existing laws or regulations. Amendments are typically proposed by lawmakers or citizens and must go through a specific procedure to be ratified and become part of the legal framework. They are intended to address issues or concerns that may have arisen since the original document was created, ensuring that the law remains relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances. Amendments are an essential component of democratic systems, as they allow for the evolution and improvement of legal frameworks over time.

In practice, a change in the pleadings—statements of the allegations of the parties in a lawsuit—may be achieved if the parties agree to the amendment or if the court in which the proceeding is pending grants a motion for the amendment made by one party. A judgement may be altered by an amendment if a motion to do so is made within a certain time after its entry and granted by the court. The amendment of pleadings and judgements is regulated by state codes of civil Procedure and the rules of federal civil procedure.

A constitution or a statute may be changed by an amendment.

A will, trust, corporate charter, and other legal documents are also subject to amendment.

Amendment FAQ'S

A change or addition to a legal document that, when properly signed, has the same legal power as the original document.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Amendment. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Amendment. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Amendment. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: