Define: Arbitrary

Quick Summary of Arbitrary

In legal contexts, “arbitrary” refers to actions or decisions that are made without reasonable justification, principle, or basis. An arbitrary decision is one that is not based on objective criteria, fairness, or the law, but rather on the personal preference, whim, or caprice of the decision-maker. Arbitrary actions may be considered unjust, discriminatory, or in violation of legal standards, such as equal protection, due process, or procedural fairness. In administrative law, actions taken by government agencies that are deemed arbitrary and capricious may be subject to judicial review and overturned by the courts. Similarly, contractual provisions or policies that are deemed arbitrary and unreasonable may be unenforceable or invalidated by a court of law. The principle of non-arbitrariness is fundamental to the rule of law and ensures that legal decisions and actions are based on reasoned analysis, fairness, and adherence to established legal principles.

What is the dictionary definition of Arbitrary?
Dictionary Definition of Arbitrary

adj. not supported by a fair or substantial cause or reason. Most often, it is used in reference to a judge’s ruling.

Full Definition Of Arbitrary

Arbitrary refers to a decision or action that is based on personal preference or whim rather than on any objective or rational criteria. In legal terms, an arbitrary decision is one that lacks a reasonable basis or justification. It is often used to describe actions taken by government officials or administrative bodies that are deemed to be capricious, unreasonable, or in violation of due process. Arbitrary decisions are generally considered to be unfair and can be challenged in court through various legal remedies, such as judicial review or appeals. The principle of non-arbitrariness is a fundamental aspect of the rule of law, ensuring that individuals are treated fairly and that government actions are based on objective standards rather than personal biases.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Arbitrary. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Arbitrary. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Arbitrary. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: