Define: Assess

Quick Summary of Assess

In a legal context, to “assess” something refers to the act of evaluating, appraising, or determining the value, amount, or quality of something, typically for the purpose of making a judgement or decision. Assessments may involve various factors, such as considering evidence, applying legal standards or criteria, and exercising professional judgement. The term can apply to a wide range of matters, including assessing damages in a civil lawsuit, evaluating the credibility of witness testimony, appraising the value of property for tax purposes, or determining the appropriate sentence in a criminal case. Assessments may be conducted by judges, juries, arbitrators, administrative agencies, or other authorised decision-makers, depending on the nature of the legal proceeding and the applicable rules and procedures. The results of assessments often play a crucial role in legal proceedings, influencing the outcome of cases, the rights and obligations of the parties involved, and the administration of justice.

What is the dictionary definition of Assess?
Dictionary Definition of Assess

v. to set a value on property, usually for the purpose of calculating real property taxes. The assessed value is multiplied by the tax rate to determine the annual tax bill. This function is usually performed by employees of the County Assessor. In California, under Proposition 13, the new assessment can only take place upon sale of real property.

Assess (verb): 1. To evaluate or determine the value, importance, or quality of something or someone. Example: The teacher will assess the students’ understanding of the topic through a written exam. 2. To analyse or examine a situation, problem, or condition in order to make a judgment or decision. Example: The company’s financial advisor will assess the risks and benefits of investing in the new project. 3. To appraise or estimate the worth or value of property, assets, or possessions. Example: The real estate agent will assess the value of the house before listing it for sale. 4. To measure or gauge the progress, performance, or effectiveness of an individual, group, or organisation. Example: The manager will assess the employees’ performance during the annual review process. 5. To conduct a formal examination or evaluation, often for educational or professional purposes. Example: The psychologist will assess the patient’s mental health through a series of tests and interviews.

Full Definition Of Assess

Assess is a term used in legal contexts to refer to the process of evaluating or appraising a situation, individual, or property in order to make a judgement or decision. This can include assessing the value of a property for tax purposes, assessing the mental capacity of an individual in a legal proceeding, or assessing the risk of harm in a particular situation. The assessment process often involves gathering information, conducting interviews or examinations, and analyzing the findings to reach a conclusion. The results of an assessment can have significant legal implications and may be used as evidence in court proceedings.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Assess. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Assess. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Assess. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: