Define: Assume

Quick Summary of Assume

In legal terminology, to “assume” typically means to undertake or take on a duty, responsibility, or obligation. It involves accepting the consequences or liabilities associated with a particular action, agreement, or circumstance. For instance, when someone assumes a debt, they agree to become responsible for repaying that debt. In contractual contexts, assuming an obligation often requires meeting certain legal criteria, such as providing consideration or entering into a formal agreement. Assumption can also refer to the act of taking possession or control of property or assets, such as when a trustee assumes control of a trust’s assets. In various legal contexts, assuming something may have significant legal consequences, so it’s essential for individuals to understand the implications before taking on any assumed duties or responsibilities.

What is the dictionary definition of Assume?
Dictionary Definition of Assume

Assume (verb):

1. To take on or accept as true or valid without proof or confirmation.
Example: She assumed that he would be at the meeting, even though she hadn’t received any confirmation.

2. To suppose or believe something to be true based on limited information or evidence.
Example: The detective assumed that the suspect was guilty due to the evidence found at the crime scene.

3. To undertake or take responsibility for a task or role without being asked or assigned.
Example: He assumed the role of team leader when no one else stepped up.

4. To pretend or feign a particular attitude or behaviour.
Example: She assumed a confident demeanour during the presentation, even though she was nervous.

5. To take possession or control of something, often without permission or authority.
Example: The new management assumed control of the company after the previous owners sold it.

v. to take over the liability for a debt on a promissory note, which is often done by the buyer of real property that has a secured debt upon it. Example: Bob Buyer pays part of the price of a piece of real property by taking over the debt that Sally Seller had on the property. However, usually the original owner to whom Sally owes the debt must agree to the assumption.

Full Definition Of Assume

Assumption is a legal concept that refers to the acceptance of a legal obligation or responsibility by an individual or entity. It involves the voluntary undertaking of a duty or liability that was previously held by another party.

In legal terms, assumptions can occur in various contexts. For example, in contract law, an assumption may arise when one party agrees to take over the obligations of another party under a contract. This can happen through an assignment or novation, where the original party is released from their duties and the assuming party becomes responsible for fulfiling the contractual obligations.

Assumption can also be relevant in tort law, particularly in cases involving liability for the actions of another person or entity. For instance, if an employer assumes responsibility for the actions of their employees, they may be held liable for any harm caused by those employees in the course of their employment.

It is important to note that assumption is a voluntary act, and it requires clear and unequivocal intent to accept the obligation or responsibility. It cannot be imposed on an individual or entity without their consent. Additionally, assumptions may have legal consequences, such as the assumption of liability or the transfer of rights and obligations.

Overall, an assumption is a legal principle that allows for the transfer of obligations or responsibilities from one party to another with the consent of all involved parties. It plays a significant role in various areas of law, including contracts and torts, and its proper understanding is crucial for determining legal rights and liabilities.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Assume. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: