Define: Attorney-In-Fact

Quick Summary of Attorney-In-Fact

A person named in a written power of attorney document to act on behalf of the person who signs the document, called the principal. The attorney-in-fact’s power and responsibilities depend on the specific powers granted in the power of attorney document. An attorney-in-fact is an agent of the principal.

What is the dictionary definition of Attorney-In-Fact?
Dictionary Definition of Attorney-In-Fact

Attorney In Fact: A person appointed by another to act on their behalf in legal or financial matters, typically through a power of attorney document. This individual is authorized to make decisions, sign documents, and conduct business on behalf of the person who appointed them.

n. someone specifically named by another through a written “power of attorney” to act for that person in the conduct of the appointer’s business. In a “general power of attorney” the attorney-in-fact can conduct all business or sign any document, and in a “special power of attorney” he/she can only sign documents or act in relation to special identified matters. Too often people sign themselves as attorney-in-fact for relatives or associates without any power of attorney. If someone claims to be able to sign for another, a demand to see the written power of attorney is reasonable and necessary. In real estate matters, the power of attorney must be formally acknowledged before a notary public so that it can be recorded along with the real estate deed, deed of trust, mortgage, or other document.

Full Definition Of Attorney-In-Fact

An agent of the person giving him/her the power of attorney (for a specific purpose or for general purposes) to act on his or her behalf. The attorney-in-fact’s power and responsibilities depend on the specific powers granted in the power of attorney document.

An attorney in fact is a person who is authorised to act on behalf of another person, known as the principal, in legal and financial matters. The authority granted to the attorney in fact is typically established through a power of attorney document, which outlines the specific powers and limitations of the attorney in fact.

The attorney in fact is not necessarily a licenced attorney, but can be any individual chosen by the principal to handle their affairs. The attorney in fact must act in the best interests of the principal and within the scope of the authority granted to them.

The powers granted to the attorney in fact can vary widely depending on the specific language of the power of attorney document. Some common powers include the ability to make financial transactions, sign legal documents, manage real estate, and make healthcare decisions on behalf of the principal.

It is important for both the principal and the attorney in fact to understand the scope of the authority granted and any limitations imposed. The attorney in fact should keep accurate records of all transactions and decisions made on behalf of the principal.

In summary, an attorney in fact is a person authorized to act on behalf of another in legal and financial matters, as outlined in a power of attorney document. They must act in the best interests of the principal and within the scope of their authority.

Attorney-In-Fact FAQ'S

A person who holds power of attorney, and therefore is legally designated to transact business and execute documents on behalf of another person.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Attorney-In-Fact. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Attorney-In-Fact. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Attorney-In-Fact. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: