Define: Attorney Of Record

Attorney Of Record
Attorney Of Record
Quick Summary of Attorney Of Record

An attorney of record is a lawyer formally designated to represent a party in a legal proceeding. Once an attorney files a document on behalf of a client or formally enters an appearance in a case, they become the attorney of record for that party. This designation signifies that the attorney is authorised to act on behalf of the client, receive legal notices, file documents with the court, and represent the client’s interests in the case. The attorney of record maintains responsibility for managing the client’s legal matters throughout the proceeding, including appearing in court hearings, conducting negotiations, and providing legal advice. The attorney-client relationship is established upon the attorney’s formal entry as counsel of record, creating rights and obligations between the attorney and the client.

What is the dictionary definition of Attorney Of Record?
Dictionary Definition of Attorney Of Record

Attorney Of Record:


1. A legal professional who has been officially designated as the primary representative for a party in a legal case or proceeding. The attorney of record is responsible for managing and advocating for the client’s interests throughout the duration of the case.

2. The attorney who is listed as the official representative for a party in the court’s records and documents. This designation signifies that the attorney has been authorized to act on behalf of the client and receive all legal notices and communications related to the case.

3. The attorney who is responsible for filing and maintaining all necessary legal documents and paperwork on behalf of the client. This includes drafting and submitting pleadings, motions, and other relevant documents to the court, as well as ensuring compliance with all procedural requirements.

4. The attorney who is authorized to make decisions and take actions on behalf of the client, including negotiating settlements, presenting arguments in court, and representing the client’s interests during trial or other legal proceedings.

Note: The attorney of record may be different from other attorneys who may be assisting or consulting on the case, but they are the primary point of contact and legal representative for the client in the specific legal matter.

n. the attorney who has appeared in court and/or signed pleadings or other forms on behalf of a client. The lawyer remains the attorney of record until some other attorney or the client substitutes for him/her, he/she is allowed by the court to withdraw, or after the case is closed. Sometimes lawyers find themselves still on the record in cases (such as divorces) which they believe have long since been completed.

Full Definition Of Attorney Of Record

An attorney of record refers to the lawyer who has been officially designated to represent a party in a legal proceeding. This designation is typically made by the party themselves or by their legal representative. Once an attorney of record is appointed, they have the authority to act on behalf of their client in all matters related to the case, including filing documents, making appearances in court, and negotiating settlements. The attorney of record is responsible for ensuring that their client’s interests are protected and that all legal requirements are met throughout the duration of the case.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Attorney Of Record. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Attorney Of Record. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Attorney Of Record. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: