Define: Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

Attractive Nuisance Doctrine
Attractive Nuisance Doctrine
Quick Summary of Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

The attractive nuisance doctrine is a legal principle that holds property owners liable for injuries to children trespassing on their property if the injury is caused by a hazardous condition or object that is likely to attract children, even if the children are trespassing unlawfully. The doctrine is based on the idea that children, due to their curiosity and lack of judgement, may be drawn to enticing but potentially dangerous conditions on someone else’s property. To protect children from harm, property owners have a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent injuries by either removing the attractive nuisance or securing it to prevent access. Common examples of attractive nuisances include swimming pools, abandoned vehicles, construction sites, and playground equipment. The application of the attractive nuisance doctrine varies by jurisdiction, but it generally imposes a higher standard of care on property owners when it comes to protecting children from foreseeable harm.

What is the dictionary definition of Attractive Nuisance Doctrine?
Dictionary Definition of Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

n. a legal doctrine which makes a person negligent for leaving a piece of equipment or other condition on property which would be both attractive and dangerous to curious children. These have included tractors, unguarded swimming pools, open pits, and abandoned refrigerators. Liability could be placed on the people owning or controlling the premises even when the child was a trespasser who sneaked on the property. Basically the doctrine was intended to make people careful about what dangerous conditions they left untended. Some jurisdictions (including California) have abolished the attractive nuisance doctrine and replaced it with specific conditions (e.g. open pit and refrigerators) and would make property owners liable only by applying rules of foreseeable danger which make negligence harder to prove.

Full Definition Of Attractive Nuisance Doctrine

The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine is a legal principle that holds property owners responsible for injuries sustained by children who are attracted to dangerous conditions or objects on their property. Under this doctrine, property owners have a duty to exercise reasonable care to prevent harm to children who may be lured onto their property by an attractive nuisance.

To establish liability under the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine, several elements must be met. First, the property owner must have knowledge or should have reasonably known that the condition or object on their property could pose a danger to children. Second, the condition or object must be likely to attract children who are unable to appreciate the risks involved. Third, the property owner must have failed to take reasonable steps to eliminate or reduce the danger posed by the attractive nuisance.

Examples of attractive nuisances may include swimming pools, construction sites, abandoned vehicles, or machinery. If a child is injured or killed as a result of an attractive nuisance, the property owner may be held liable for their injuries or wrongful death.

It is important to note that the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine does not absolve parents or guardians of their responsibility to supervise and protect their children. However, it places an additional duty on property owners to take reasonable precautions to prevent harm to children who may be enticed onto their property by an attractive nuisance.

The application of the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine varies among jurisdictions, and the specific requirements and standards may differ. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific laws and regulations applicable in a particular jurisdiction.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Attractive Nuisance Doctrine. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Attractive Nuisance Doctrine. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Attractive Nuisance Doctrine. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: