Define: Break Forward

Break Forward
Break Forward
What is the dictionary definition of Break Forward?
Dictionary Definition of Break Forward

A break forward is a legal provision in a contract that allows for the acceleration of payments or termination of the contract under certain specified conditions. This provision typically gives one party the right to end the contract early if certain events occur, such as a breach of the contract by the other party. The specific terms and conditions of a break forward provision will vary depending on the nature of the contract and the intentions of the parties involved.

Full Definition Of Break Forward

A break forward is a legal provision in a contract that allows for the acceleration of payments or termination of the contract under certain specified conditions. This provision typically gives one party the right to end the contract early if certain events occur, such as a breach of the contract by the other party. The specific terms and conditions of a break forward provision will vary depending on the nature of the contract and the intentions of the parties involved.

Break Forward FAQ'S

A break forward agreement is a legal contract between two parties that allows one party to terminate an existing contract and enter into a new contract with the other party, typically with revised terms and conditions.

A break forward agreement can be used when one party wants to modify or terminate an existing contract due to changing circumstances or business needs, but still wishes to continue the business relationship with the other party.

Yes, a break forward agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the rights and obligations of both parties involved. It is enforceable by law and can be used as evidence in case of a dispute.

A break forward agreement typically includes details about the existing contract being terminated, the new contract being entered into, the reasons for termination, revised terms and conditions, any financial implications, and the effective date of the new contract.

No, a break forward agreement cannot be used to evade or avoid contractual obligations. It is meant to provide a legal framework for modifying or terminating an existing contract while still maintaining a business relationship.

Yes, a break forward agreement can be used in various types of contracts, including employment contracts, lease agreements, supply contracts, and service agreements, among others.

Yes, both parties involved in the existing contract must agree to the terms and conditions of the break forward agreement. It is essential to have mutual consent and understanding to proceed with the modification or termination.

Yes, like any other contract, a break forward agreement can be challenged in court if one party believes that the terms were not followed or if there is a dispute regarding the agreement’s validity. It is advisable to seek legal counsel in such situations.

A break forward agreement can be revoked or modified if both parties agree to the changes. However, any modifications or revocations should be documented in writing and signed by both parties to ensure clarity and avoid future disputes.

Entering into a break forward agreement may have legal implications, such as potential financial obligations, changes in rights and responsibilities, and potential impact on other contracts or agreements. It is crucial to carefully review and understand the terms before signing the agreement and consult with legal professionals if needed.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Break Forward. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Break Forward. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Break Forward. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: