Define: Breakaway Gap

Breakaway Gap
Breakaway Gap
What is the dictionary definition of Breakaway Gap?
Dictionary Definition of Breakaway Gap

A breakaway gap refers to a significant price movement in a financial market where the price of an asset opens at a higher or lower level than the previous day’s closing price, creating a gap on the price chart. This type of gap is considered significant because it often indicates a shift in market sentiment and can lead to a continuation of the price trend in the direction of the gap. Traders and investors often analyze breakaway gaps to identify potential trading opportunities and make informed investment decisions.

Full Definition Of Breakaway Gap

A breakaway gap refers to a significant price movement in a financial market where the price of an asset opens at a higher or lower level than the previous day’s closing price, creating a gap on the price chart. This type of gap is considered significant because it often indicates a shift in market sentiment and can lead to a continuation of the price trend in the direction of the gap. Traders and investors often analyse breakaway gaps to identify potential trading opportunities and make informed investment decisions.

Breakaway Gap FAQ'S

A breakaway gap is a term used in financial markets to describe a significant price movement that occurs when the price of a security opens above or below the previous day’s closing price, creating a gap on the price chart.

Yes, breakaway gaps are legal. They are a natural occurrence in financial markets and are a result of supply and demand dynamics.

While it is theoretically possible for market participants to manipulate prices and create breakaway gaps, such actions would be illegal. Market manipulation is strictly regulated and can result in severe penalties.

No, breakaway gaps are not considered insider trading. Insider trading refers to the illegal practice of trading securities based on material non-public information. Breakaway gaps are a result of market forces and not insider knowledge.

Yes, breakaway gaps can be used as a trading strategy by some traders. They may interpret breakaway gaps as a signal of a significant change in market sentiment and use it to make trading decisions.

Breakaway gaps can occur in any financial market, including stocks, commodities, and currencies. However, their frequency may vary depending on market conditions and volatility.

It is challenging to predict breakaway gaps with certainty. They are often a result of unexpected news or events that can cause a sudden shift in market sentiment. Traders may use technical analysis or other indicators to identify potential breakaway gaps, but it is not foolproof.

Breakaway gaps are often associated with strong price movements, but it is not always the case. Sometimes, breakaway gaps can be followed by a reversal or a period of consolidation. Traders should consider other factors and indicators to confirm the strength of the price movement.

Breakaway gaps themselves do not typically lead to legal disputes. However, if there is evidence of market manipulation or insider trading associated with a breakaway gap, it could result in legal action.

Breakaway gaps are more commonly used by short-term traders and technical analysts. Long-term investors typically focus on fundamental analysis and the overall performance of a company or asset, rather than short-term price movements caused by breakaway gaps.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Breakaway Gap. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Breakaway Gap. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Breakaway Gap. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: