Define: Case

Quick Summary of Case

In law, a case typically refers to a legal dispute or controversy brought before a court for resolution. It involves two or more parties who present their arguments and evidence to a judge or jury, seeking a decision or judgement on the matter at hand. A case typically begins with the filing of a complaint or petition by one party, followed by a response from the opposing party. The case proceeds through various stages, including pretrial motions, discovery, trial, and possibly appeal, before a final resolution is reached. Cases can cover a wide range of legal issues, including civil disputes, criminal charges, and administrative matters, and they are governed by specific procedural rules and laws applicable to the jurisdiction in which they are heard.

What is the dictionary definition of Case?
Dictionary Definition of Case
n. short for a cause of action, lawsuit, or the right to sue (as in "does he have a case against Jones?"). It is also shorthand for the reported decisions (appeals, certain decisions of federal courts and special courts such as the tax court) which can be cited as precedents. Thus, "in the case of Malarkey v. Hogwash Printing Company, the court stated the rule as?.
Full Definition Of Case

A case is a legal action filed in court. It can also refer to the evidence and testimony by one party in a lawsuit. It is used to prove the plaintiff or the defendant’s case. A case can be initiated through a complaint, petition, or indictment. If a plaintiff wins a civil case they can be awarded compensation for medical costs, lost wages, death expenses and pain and suffering.

To win a civil case the plaintiff does not have to prove their case “beyond a reasonable doubt” but rather through a preponderance of evidence. Plaintiffs can also bring a civil case against the negligent party or parties even if the defendant is not charged or convicted of a crime. For instance, O.J. Simpson lost a civil injury case and had to pay damages to the family in the Nicole Simpson murder case even though he was found not guilty of murder.

Civil cases are based on the concept of negligence and injury. For instance, if a person’s negligence has injured another party the injured party can sue to recover damages for their loss due to the actions of the defendant. There are many different kinds of civil cases including divorce cases, child support cases, and child custody, automobile incidents, breached contracts, product liability and medical malpractice.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Case. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Case. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Case. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: