Define: Civil Procedure Act 1997

Civil Procedure Act 1997
Civil Procedure Act 1997
Quick Summary of Civil Procedure Act 1997

The Civil Procedure Act 1997 is a significant piece of legislation in the United Kingdom that governs the procedure and conduct of civil litigation in England and Wales. The Act aims to ensure that civil cases are handled efficiently, fairly, and transparently. It outlines various procedural rules and principles that guide the conduct of parties involved in civil proceedings, including pre-action protocols, case management, disclosure of documents, expert evidence, and costs. The Civil Procedure Act 1997 also empowers courts to manage cases effectively, encourage alternative dispute resolution methods, and streamline the resolution of disputes. Overall, the Act plays a crucial role in promoting access to justice, maintaining the integrity of the civil justice system, and facilitating the fair resolution of civil disputes.

Full Definition Of Civil Procedure Act 1997

This act gives effect to the Lord Woolf’s report Access to Justice and establishes a Civil Procedure Rule Committee with power to make rules for all civil legislation (except family proceedings).

See: Woolf report, Woolf reforms, Civil procedure rules

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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