Define: Concealed Weapon

Concealed Weapon
Concealed Weapon
Quick Summary of Concealed Weapon

A concealed weapon refers to any type of weapon that is hidden or not readily visible to others. This can include firearms, knives, or other dangerous objects. In legal contexts, carrying a concealed weapon may be subject to specific regulations and requirements depending on the jurisdiction. Laws regarding concealed carry vary widely between regions, with some places allowing it under certain conditions, such as obtaining a permit, while others prohibit it entirely. Possessing or carrying a concealed weapon without proper authorisation may result in criminal charges and legal consequences.

What is the dictionary definition of Concealed Weapon?
Dictionary Definition of Concealed Weapon
n. a weapon, particularly a handgun, which is kept hidden on one's person, or under one's control (in a glove compartment or under a car seat). Carrying a concealed weapon is a crime in most states unless the party with the weapon is a law enforcement officer or has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. A permit is usually issued by local law enforcement under guidelines of need-such as being a carrier of large amounts of cash in business-and having a record free of convictions, arrests or improper activity.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Concealed Weapon. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: