Define: Court-Martial

Quick Summary of Court-Martial

A court-martial is a judicial proceeding conducted by the military to try members of the armed forces accused of violating military law. It serves as the military equivalent of a civilian criminal court and is used to address offences committed by military personnel, such as insubordination, desertion, or misconduct. There are three types of court-martial: summary court-martial, special court-martial, and general court-martial, each with varying levels of jurisdiction and severity of punishment. A panel of military personnel, known as court members, serves as the jury in a court-martial, and a military judge presides over the proceedings. Penalties for convictions in a court-martial can include confinement, dishonourable discharge, reduction in rank, fines, or even the death penalty for certain offences.

What is the dictionary definition of Court-Martial?
Dictionary Definition of Court-Martial
  1. n. a military court for trying offences in violation of army, navy or other armed service rules and regulations, made up of military officers, who act as both finders of fact (in effect, a jury) and as arbiters (judges) of the law applying to the case. A general court-martial is conducted by a military legal officer (Judge Advocate) and at least five officers for major offences, including those requiring the death penalty. A special court-martial is generally for lesser offences and is conducted by three officers, who may order dismissal, hard labour or lengthy confinement. Minor offences are conducted by a single officer in a summary court-martial.
  2. v. to charge a member of the military with an offence against military law or to find him/her guilty of such a violation. A court-martial conviction can be appealed to the U.S. Court of Military Appeals.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Court-Martial. Retrieved April 30 2024, from website: