Define: Dedication

Quick Summary of Dedication

Dedication in legal terms refers to the voluntary transfer of property rights by an owner to the public for a specific use, such as for public roads, parks, or other public facilities. It typically involves a formal declaration by the property owner that the land will be used for public purposes. Once dedicated, the property is no longer owned by the original owner but becomes the property of the public or a governmental entity for the designated purpose. Dedication often occurs through explicit deeds, plats, or maps, and once accepted by the public or government, it cannot be revoked unilaterally by the original owner.

What is the dictionary definition of Dedication?
Dictionary Definition of Dedication
n. the giving of land by a private person or entity to the government, typically for a street, park or school site, as part of and a condition of a real estate development. The local county or city (or other public body) must accept the dedication before it is complete. In many cases there are "dedicated" streets on old subdivision maps which were never officially accepted and, in effect, belong to no one. The adjoining property owners can sue for a judgment to give them the title to the unclaimed (unowned) street or property by a quiet title action or request abandonment by the government which did not accept the street or other property.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Dedication. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Dedication. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Dedication. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: