Define: Dependent

Quick Summary of Dependent

In legal contexts, “dependent” typically refers to an individual who relies on another person or entity for financial support, care, or protection. Dependents may include minor children, elderly parents, disabled individuals, or others who are unable to support themselves independently. The concept of dependency is often relevant in various areas of law, including family law, probate law, and social welfare programs. For example, in family law matters such as divorce or child custody disputes, courts may consider the financial and emotional needs of dependents when making decisions about support and custody arrangements. In probate proceedings, dependents may be entitled to inheritances or other benefits from the estates of deceased individuals. Identifying and addressing the needs of dependents is an important consideration in legal proceedings and social policy, as it helps to ensure the well-being and protection of vulnerable individuals within society.

What is the dictionary definition of Dependent?
Dictionary Definition of Dependent

A person who is financially supported by another person.

  1. n. a person receiving support from another person (such as a parent), which may qualify the party supporting the dependent for an exemption to reduce his/her income taxes.
  2. adj. requiring an event to occur, as the fulfilment of a contract is dependent on the expert being available.
Full Definition Of Dependent

The term dependent generally describes a person who is financially sustained by someone else. Most commonly, the word dependent applies to children who are supported by their parents. A dependent may also rely upon financial help derived from grandparents, older siblings, or legal guardians. One spouse that is financially born by the other is likewise considered a dependent. Dependent is a term that may also extend to persons over the age of sixty-five, implying the incapacity to be financially self-reliant due to old age. Having a dependent qualifies a taxpayer for certain tax breaks. This means that for each dependent a person can claim dependency exemptions. Having a dependent may also provide certain financial latitude in healthcare insurance and education.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Dependent. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Dependent. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Dependent. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: