Easement by Prescription

Easement by Prescription
Easement by Prescription
Full Overview Of Easement by Prescription

Easements by prescription are an essential aspect of property law, providing a mechanism through which rights of use over another person’s land can be established through long-term, continuous, and unobstructed use. This form of easement can significantly impact property rights and obligations, making it crucial for landowners and prospective property buyers to understand its implications. This comprehensive overview explores the concept, legal framework, types, creation process, implications, and best practices for managing easements by prescription.

Introduction to Easements by Prescription

An easement is a non-possessory right to use another person’s land for a specific purpose. Easements can be created through express agreements, implication, necessity, or prescription. An easement by prescription arises through long-term, uninterrupted use, allowing the user to acquire a legal right over the land without formal agreement or documentation.

Definition and Purpose

An easement by prescription is established when an individual or entity uses another person’s land openly, continuously, and without permission for a legally specified period. The primary purposes of such easements include:

  • Access Rights: Providing access to landlocked properties.
  • Utility Rights: Allowing the installation and maintenance of utilities like water pipes, electricity lines, and sewage systems.
  • Right of Way: Granting passage across another’s land for pedestrians or vehicles.

Legal Framework

The legal framework for easements by prescription in the UK is primarily governed by common law principles and statutory provisions, including:

  • The Prescription Act 1832: This Act outlines the statutory periods and conditions under which prescriptive easements can be claimed.
  • Common Law Principles: Judicial precedents and doctrines that have developed over centuries, shaping the rules and requirements for establishing prescriptive easements.

These legal provisions ensure that easements by prescription are recognised and enforceable, providing a framework for resolving disputes and clarifying the rights of property owners.

Types of Easements by Prescription

Easements by prescription can be broadly categorised based on their purpose and the nature of the right acquired. The primary types include rights of way, utility easements, and other specific uses.

Rights of Way

Rights of way are the most common type of prescriptive easement, allowing individuals to pass over another’s land. These rights can be:

  • Footpaths: Paths used by pedestrians.
  • Bridleways: Paths used by pedestrians and horse riders.
  • Vehicle Access: Routes used by vehicles, including cars and agricultural machinery.

Utility Easements

Utility easements allow for the installation, maintenance, and repair of utility infrastructure on another person’s land. These can include:

  • Water Pipelines: Rights to lay and maintain water pipes.
  • Electricity Lines: Rights to install and service electrical lines and poles.
  • Sewage Systems: Rights to place and maintain sewage pipes and treatment facilities.

Other Specific Uses

Prescriptive easements can also cover other specific uses, such as:

  • Drainage Rights: Rights to drain water across another’s land.
  • Light and Air: Rights to ensure access to light and air across neighbouring properties.
  • Support: Rights to physical support from an adjacent building or land.

Creation of Easements by Prescription

The creation of an easement by prescription involves satisfying specific legal criteria over a continuous period. The process requires demonstrating long-term use that meets the necessary legal standards.

Legal Criteria

The key legal criteria for establishing a prescriptive easement include:

  • Continuous Use: The use must be continuous and uninterrupted for a legally specified period, typically 20 years under the Prescription Act 1832.
  • Open and Notorious Use: The use must be visible and obvious, not concealed or secret.
  • Without Permission: The use must be without the landowner’s explicit permission (nec vi, nec clam, nec precario).
  • Adverse Use: The use must be against the interests of the landowner, indicating that it was not permitted or condoned.

Establishing Continuous Use

Continuous use is a critical element in establishing an easement by prescription. The use must be:

  • Regular and Consistent: Occurring frequently enough to demonstrate a continuous pattern of use.
  • Uninterrupted: Not subject to significant gaps or interruptions that would break the continuity of use.

Proving Open and Notorious Use

Open and notorious use requires that the use be:

  • Visible: Clearly observable by the landowner and others.
  • Obvious: Evident to a reasonable observer, indicating that the use is taking place.

Without Permission

The use must occur without the landowner’s explicit permission, meaning:

  • No Formal Agreement: There is no written or verbal agreement granting permission.
  • Against Interests: The use is contrary to the landowner’s interests, implying it was not authorised.

Adverse Use

Adverse use signifies that the use is:

  • Non-Permissive: Occurring without the landowner’s consent.
  • Conflictual: Potentially conflicting with the landowner’s interests or control over the land.

Implications of Easements by Prescription

Easements by prescription have significant implications for both the dominant tenement (the benefiting property) and the servient tenement (the burdened property). These implications include rights and obligations, potential disputes, and impact on property value.

Rights and Obligations

Once established, a prescriptive easement confers specific rights and obligations on the parties involved:

  • Rights of the Dominant Tenement: The dominant tenement owner gains the right to use the easement for its specified purpose.
  • Obligations of the Dominant Tenement: The dominant tenement owner must use the easement reasonably and within the scope of the prescriptive right.
  • Rights of the Servient Tenement: The servient tenement owner must allow the use of the easement and refrain from interfering with it.
  • Obligations of the Servient Tenement: The servient tenement owner must not obstruct or impede the use of the easement.

Potential Disputes

Disputes can arise over the existence, scope, and use of prescriptive easements. Common issues include:

  • Existence of the Easement: Conflicts over whether the easement has been established through prescriptive use.
  • Scope of Use: Disagreements over the extent and manner of the easement’s use.
  • Interference: Allegations of interference or obstruction by the servient tenement owner.

Impact on Property Value

Easements by prescription can affect the value of both the dominant and servient tenements. Key considerations include:

  • Enhancement of Value: For the dominant tenement, a prescriptive easement can enhance property value by providing necessary access or utility rights.
  • Reduction of Value: For the servient tenement, the presence of an easement can reduce property value by imposing restrictions and obligations.

Best Practices for Managing Easements by Prescription

Effectively managing prescriptive easements involves proactive measures to establish, document, and maintain these rights while preventing and resolving disputes.

Establishing and Documenting Prescriptive Easements

Proactively establishing and documenting prescriptive easements can help prevent disputes and clarify rights. Best practices include:

  • Historical Evidence: Collecting and preserving evidence of continuous, open, and adverse use, such as photographs, affidavits, and maps.
  • Legal Advice: Consulting with legal professionals to ensure the use meets the necessary legal criteria.
  • Formal Documentation: Where possible, formalising the easement through written agreements or court orders to provide clear documentation of the right.

Preventing and Resolving Disputes

Preventing and resolving disputes over prescriptive easements involves clear communication, negotiation, and, if necessary, legal action. Strategies include:

  • Clear Communication: Maintaining open and transparent communication with neighbouring property owners about the use and extent of the easement.
  • Negotiation: Attempting to resolve disputes amicably through negotiation and compromise.
  • Mediation and Arbitration: Considering mediation or arbitration as alternatives to litigation for resolving disputes.
  • Legal Action: If necessary, pursuing legal action to establish, confirm, or enforce the easement.

Maintaining the Easement Area

Proper maintenance of the easement area is essential to ensure its continued use and avoid conflicts. Best practices include:

  • Regular Maintenance: Conducting regular maintenance to keep the easement area in good condition and prevent obstructions.
  • Shared Responsibilities: Clearly defining and agreeing upon maintenance responsibilities between the dominant and servient tenement owners.
  • Cost Sharing: Establishing a fair and equitable method for sharing maintenance costs, if applicable.

Seeking Professional Advice

Given the complexity of prescriptive easements, seeking professional advice is often necessary to ensure compliance with legal standards and protect property rights. Legal professionals can assist with:

  • Easement Creation: Providing guidance on the creation and formalisation of easements by prescription.
  • Dispute Resolution: Advising on the best strategies for resolving disputes and enforcing easement rights.
  • Property Transactions: Ensuring that prescriptive easements are properly considered and addressed in property transactions.

Case Studies

Examining real-world case studies can provide valuable insights into the practical application and resolution of disputes involving easements by prescription.

Establishing a Right of Way

Scenario: A property owner claims a right of way over a neighbouring property, arguing that they have used the path continuously and openly for over 20 years.

Outcome: The court finds that the property owner has met the legal criteria for a prescriptive easement, establishing a formal right of way.

Dispute Over Utility Easement

Scenario: A landowner disputes a utility company’s right to maintain water pipes across their property, claiming the use was never authorised.

Outcome: The court determines that the utility company has acquired a prescriptive easement through continuous and adverse use, allowing the pipes to remain.

Conflict Over Scope of Use

Scenario: A homeowner challenges a neighbour’s use of a prescriptive easement, arguing that the extent of use exceeds the original purpose.

Outcome: The court clarifies the scope of the easement, limiting the neighbour’s use to its original intent and preventing further expansion.


Easements by prescription are a vital aspect of property law, providing a mechanism for establishing rights of use over another person’s land through long-term, continuous, and adverse use. By understanding the legal framework, types, creation process, implications, and best practices for managing prescriptive easements, property owners and prospective buyers can navigate these complex issues more effectively.

At DLS Solicitors, we offer expert guidance on all matters related to easements by prescription, from initial consultation and legal advice to dispute resolution and formal documentation. Whether you are seeking to establish a prescriptive easement or need assistance with legal issues related to your property, our experienced team is here to assist. Contact us today for a consultation and ensure your property rights are protected and your interests are safeguarded.

Easement by Prescription FAQ'S

An easement by prescription is a right to use someone else’s land for a specific purpose that has been acquired through continuous and uninterrupted use over a certain period, typically 20 years, without the landowner’s permission.

The use must be continuous and uninterrupted for at least 20 years. This period can be shorter in some cases under certain statutory provisions but generally follows this duration.

The use must be:

  • As of right (without force, secrecy, or permission),
  • Continuous and uninterrupted for at least 20 years,
  • For a specific purpose (e.g., right of way, access to light).

Yes, an easement by prescription can be obtained over registered land. However, once established, it should be registered to ensure its enforceability and to notify any future purchasers.

The doctrine of lost modern grant is a legal fiction that presumes an easement has been granted by deed at some time in the past but the deed has been lost. This presumption is used to support claims for easements where continuous use for at least 20 years is proven.

Proof of continuous use can be provided through:

  • Witness testimonies,
  • Historical maps and documents,
  • Photographs,
  • Other evidence demonstrating consistent use over the 20-year period.

Yes, a landowner can prevent an easement by prescription by:

  • Physically blocking access,
  • Granting explicit permission (thereby preventing the use from being ‘as of right’),
  • Disputing the use before the 20-year period is completed.

If the use is significantly interrupted during the 20-year period, the continuity requirement is broken, and the time may need to restart from the point of interruption. Minor interruptions might not suffice to break the continuity.

Yes, an easement by prescription can be extinguished by:

  • Mutual agreement,
  • Abandonment (non-use for a long period),
  • A formal legal process,
  • Changes in the dominant or servient land that make the use impossible.

To register an easement by prescription with the Land Registry, one must:

  • Provide evidence of continuous use for the required period,
  • Complete the appropriate application forms (typically form AP1 and supporting forms),
  • Submit any required supporting documents,
  • Pay the necessary fees.

This site contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. Persuing this glossary does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

This glossary post was last updated: 16th July 2024.

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  • Page URL:https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement-by-prescription/
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Easement by Prescription. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. February 13 2025 https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement-by-prescription/.
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Easement by Prescription. dlssolicitors.com. DLS Solicitors. https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement-by-prescription/ (accessed: February 13 2025).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Easement by Prescription. dlssolicitors.com. Retrieved February 13 2025, from dlssolicitors.com website: https://dlssolicitors.com/define/easement-by-prescription/
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