Define: Fee Simple Absolute In Possession

Fee Simple Absolute In Possession
Fee Simple Absolute In Possession
Quick Summary of Fee Simple Absolute In Possession

Fee simple absolute in possession, often referred to simply as fee simple, is the most complete form of ownership recognised in property law. It represents the highest degree of ownership interest in real property and grants the owner full and unrestricted rights to use, possess, and dispose of the property as they see fit, subject only to applicable laws and regulations. As the absolute owner, the holder of a fee simple estate has the right to enjoy the property indefinitely and can pass it on to heirs through inheritance or convey it to others through sale or gift. This form of ownership is considered the most comprehensive and valuable interest in land, providing the owner with maximum control and flexibility over the property.

Full Definition Of Fee Simple Absolute In Possession

The owner of fee simple Estate in land is a Freehold owner: no rent is due to anyone (but see Rentcharge), and no-one has a stronger title to the land (with the notional exception of the Crown). ‘Absolute’ implies that the ownership is exclusive and ‘in possession’ means that the owner has the enjoyment of the property right now, rather than in the future. This is one of the two forms of legal estate established by the Law Of Property Act (1925), which dissolved all the others. The other form is the leasehold ‘Term of years absolute’.

Fee Simple Absolute In Possession FAQ'S

Fee simple absolute in possession is the highest form of ownership interest in real property, providing the owner with the most extensive rights and privileges, including the right to possess, use, and dispose of the property indefinitely.

The holder of fee simple absolute in possession has the right to:

  • Possess the property indefinitely.
  • Use the property in any lawful manner.
  • Transfer ownership through sale, gift, or inheritance.
  • Exclude others from the property.
  • Develop, improve, or encumber the property.

Fee simple absolute is distinguished by its perpetual duration and comprehensive bundle of rights, whereas other forms of ownership, such as life estates or leaseholds, may have limitations on duration or rights.

Fee simple absolute ownership is generally free from conditions or restrictions imposed by previous owners, but it may be subject to certain limitations imposed by law, such as zoning regulations or easements.

Fee simple absolute ownership can only be terminated or transferred involuntarily through legal processes such as eminent domain, foreclosure, or condemnation, and in some cases, adverse possession.

Fee simple absolute is unconditional and not subject to any conditions or limitations, whereas fee simple defeasible may be subject to conditions or limitations that, if violated, could result in the forfeiture of ownership rights.

Fee simple absolute in possession is typically conveyed through a deed or other legal instrument that evidences the transfer of ownership from the grantor to the grantee.

Yes, fee simple absolute ownership can be divided or shared among multiple owners through methods such as joint tenancy, tenancy in common, or condominium ownership.

Upon the owner’s death, fee simple absolute ownership passes to the owner’s heirs or beneficiaries according to the terms of the owner’s will or applicable laws of intestate succession.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Fee Simple Absolute In Possession. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Fee Simple Absolute In Possession. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Fee Simple Absolute In Possession. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: