Define: Larceny

Quick Summary of Larceny

Larceny is a legal term that refers to the unlawful taking and carrying away of someone else’s personal property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property. It is a type of theft that involves the unauthorised appropriation of property without the use of force or fear (unlike robbery). Larceny encompasses a broad range of actions, including stealing items from a store, shoplifting, stealing personal belongings, or taking someone else’s possessions without their permission. The key elements of larceny typically include the intentional taking of property, without consent, and with the intent to permanently deprive the rightful owner of its use or possession. Larceny is considered a criminal offence and is punishable under the laws of most jurisdictions. The severity of the punishment for larceny may vary depending on factors such as the value of the stolen property, any aggravating circumstances, and the defendant’s criminal history.

What is the dictionary definition of Larceny?
Dictionary Definition of Larceny

the act of taking something from someone unlawfully

Larceny is a crime involving the unlawful taking or theft of the personal property of another person or business. n. the crime of taking the goods of another person without permission (usually secretly), with the intent of keeping them. It is one form of theft. Some states differentiate between grand larceny and petty larceny based on the value of the stolen goods. Grand larceny is a felony with a state prison sentence as a punishment and petty larceny is usually limited to county jail time.

  1. The unlawful taking of personal property as an attempt to deprive the legal owner of it permanently.
  2. A larcenous act attributable to an individual.

Another term for theft. Although the definition of this term differs from state to state, it typically means taking property belonging to another with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property. If the taking is non-forceful, it is larceny; if it is accompanied by force or fear directed against a person, it is robbery, a much more serious offence.

Full Definition Of Larceny

Larceny is the theft of property, generally non-violent. Larceny is illegal in all states, but whether it is a felony or misdemeanour action may depend on the value of the property involved. Petty larceny may result in a six month to a one-year jail term. Grand larceny carries a sentence of one to twelve years. For example, petty larceny could be stealing someone’s watch from their house while grand larceny could include stealing someone’s car.

Larceny can also happen under false pretences. For example, if you give someone something to sell, such as an antique table, under the assumption they will sell it and give you the money but instead, they keep the profits from the sale, this is larceny.

Larceny is a nonviolent crime. For instance, if you steal someone’s car and no one is in it, this is larceny. If you carjack the car with the threat of violence, this becomes robbery and has a much stiffer penalty. Depending on the type of larceny the penalty may include jail time, repayment for the stolen item or replacement for the item.

Larceny FAQ'S

Larceny is the unlawful taking and carrying away of someone else’s personal property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.

Larceny typically requires:

  • The taking and carrying away of property.
  • The property belongs to another person.
  • The taking is without the owner’s consent.
  • The taking is with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property.

Larceny is a type of theft, but it specifically involves the taking and carrying away of property without the use of force or violence. Other types of theft, such as robbery, involve force, threat, or intimidation.

Some common examples of larceny are:

  • Shoplifting from a store.
  • Theft of a bicycle left unattended.
  • Stealing a package from someone’s doorstep.
  • Taking money or valuables from someone’s purse or wallet.

Penalties for larceny vary depending on factors such as the value of the stolen property, prior criminal history, and jurisdictional laws. Punishments may include fines, probation, community service, or imprisonment.

Yes, larceny can be charged as either a felony or misdemeanour depending on the circumstances. Felony larceny typically involves higher-value property or repeat offenses.

Larceny involves the unlawful taking of someone else’s property without lawful authority, whereas embezzlement involves the wrongful appropriation of property that was lawfully entrusted to the perpetrator.

Yes, intent to steal can be inferred from various actions or circumstances surrounding the taking of property, such as concealment of the property, efforts to evade detection, or prior planning.

Mistaken belief may be a defence if the defendant genuinely believed they had a legal right to the property or lacked the intent to permanently deprive the owner. However, mistaken belief in itself may not always excuse criminal liability.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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