Define: Life Without Possibility Of Parole

Life Without Possibility Of Parole
Life Without Possibility Of Parole
Quick Summary of Life Without Possibility Of Parole

Life without the possibility of parole (LWOP) is a legal sentence imposed in criminal cases where the convicted individual is sentenced to spend the rest of their life in prison without the chance of parole or release. It means that the individual will remain incarcerated until their death, without any opportunity for parole hearings or consideration for release based on good behaviour or rehabilitation efforts. LWOP sentences are often reserved for the most serious crimes, such as murder, where the court determines that the offender poses an ongoing danger to society or that the nature of the offence warrants the harshest punishment available.

What is the dictionary definition of Life Without Possibility Of Parole?
Dictionary Definition of Life Without Possibility Of Parole
n. a sentence sometimes given for particularly vicious criminals in murder cases or to repeat felons, particularly if the crime is committed in a state which has no death penalty, the jury chooses not to impose the death penalty, or the judge feels it is simpler to lock the prisoner up and "throw away the key" rather than invite years of appeals while the prisoner languishes on death row. Opponents of capital punishment often advocate this penalty as a substitute for execution. It guarantees the criminal will not endanger the public, and the prospect of never being outside prison is severe punishment. Contrary arguments are that this penalty does not deter murderers, there is always the possibility of escape or killing a guard or fellow prisoner, or some soft-hearted Governor may someday reduce the sentence.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Life Without Possibility Of Parole. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Life Without Possibility Of Parole. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Life Without Possibility Of Parole. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: