Define: Note

Quick Summary of Note

In legal contexts, a “note” typically refers to a written document or memorandum that records important information, details, or observations relevant to a legal matter. Notes may be created by lawyers, judges, legal scholars, or other professionals involved in legal proceedings or research. These documents serve various purposes, such as documenting case law, summarizing legal arguments, outlining contractual terms, or recording meeting minutes. Notes in law are crucial for preserving accurate records, facilitating communication, and providing references for future analysis or decision-making.

What is the dictionary definition of Note?
Dictionary Definition of Note
n. a promissory note, a written statement of debt by one or more people to one or more people, with a statement of a specific amount owed or due, date it is due, interest (if any) on the amount, and other terms such as installments, penalty for late payment, full amount due if delinquent, how secured (as by real property), and attorneys' fees and costs if required to collect on the note.
Full Definition Of Note
  1. A short-term debt security, usually with a maturity of five years or less.
  2. A legal document that obligates a borrower to repay a mortgage loan at a specified interest rate during a specified period of time or on-demand; here also called a promissory note.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Note. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Note. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Note. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: