Define: Officious Intermeddler

Officious Intermeddler
Officious Intermeddler
Quick Summary of Officious Intermeddler

An officious intermeddler refers to an individual who voluntarily involves themselves in the affairs of another person without invitation or authorisation, often to the detriment of the party they are intervening on behalf of. This intervention can include actions such as managing someone else’s property, finances, or legal matters without proper authority. In legal contexts, the term is often used to describe someone who unlawfully inserts themselves into a situation where they have no legitimate interest or right to do so.

What is the dictionary definition of Officious Intermeddler?
Dictionary Definition of Officious Intermeddler

n. a volunteer who assists and/or benefits another without contractual responsibility or legal duty to do so, but nevertheless wants compensation for his/her actions. The courts generally find that the intermeddler must rely on the equally voluntary gratitude of the recipient of the alleged benefit.

Officious Intermeddler FAQ'S

An officious intermeddler is a person who voluntarily and without proper authority involves themselves in the affairs or business of others, often causing confusion or harm.

Unlike someone offering genuine assistance or support, an officious intermeddler inserts themselves into a situation without invitation or legitimate reason, potentially causing disruption or interference.

Officious intermeddlers may act out of a desire to assert control, seek attention, or impose their opinions or solutions on others, often without regard for the consequences or the wishes of those involved.

Yes, officious intermeddlers can inadvertently cause harm by interfering with ongoing processes, creating confusion, or exacerbating conflicts that may have otherwise been resolved peacefully.

Not necessarily. Some officious intermeddlers may genuinely believe they are helping or offering valuable insights, unaware of the negative impact of their actions on others.

Dealing with an officious intermeddler may involve politely but firmly setting boundaries, expressing gratitude for their concern while asserting independence or requesting privacy in handling the matter independently.

In some cases, officious intermeddling may result in legal consequences, particularly if the intermeddler’s actions cause harm or interfere with legally protected rights or obligations.

Yes, officious intermeddling can occur in professional settings when individuals insert themselves into projects or tasks without authorisation, potentially disrupting workflow or undermining established procedures.

Organisations can prevent officious intermeddling by promoting clear communication channels, establishing protocols for collaboration and decision-making, and fostering a culture of respect for boundaries and autonomy.

While officious intermeddling often carries negative connotations due to its potential to cause harm or disruption, in some cases, it may result in positive outcomes if the intermeddler’s actions genuinely benefit those involved and are welcomed by the affected parties. However, caution should be exercised to avoid overstepping boundaries or imposing unwanted interference.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Officious Intermeddler. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Officious Intermeddler. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Officious Intermeddler. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: