Define: Puffing

Quick Summary of Puffing

Puffing is a process in which air or gas is blown into a substance, causing it to expand or become lighter. This technique is commonly used in the food industry to create light and airy textures in products such as snacks and cereals. Puffing involves subjecting the substance to high heat and pressure, causing the moisture inside to turn into steam and expand. This results in a puffed-up texture and a crispy or crunchy consistency. Puffing can be achieved through various methods, including extrusion, baking, or frying. Overall, puffing is a popular technique used to enhance the texture and taste of food products.

Puffing FAQ'S

Puffing refers to exaggerated statements or claims made by a seller or advertiser about a product or service, which are not considered legally binding.

No, puffing is generally not considered illegal as it involves subjective opinions or statements that are not meant to deceive or mislead consumers.

Puffing is not typically used as a defence in legal cases, as it does not involve false statements or fraudulent behavior.

While puffing is generally allowed, there are limitations to what can be considered puffery. Statements that are outright false or misleading can still be subject to legal consequences.

Yes, puffing is commonly used in advertising to attract customers by making exaggerated claims about a product or service.

Consumers should exercise caution when relying solely on puffing statements, as they are subjective opinions and may not accurately represent the actual qualities or characteristics of a product or service.

Puffing is generally not considered false advertising, as it involves statements that are not meant to be taken literally or as factual representations.

While puffing is not intended to deceive or mislead consumers, there is a fine line between puffery and making false or misleading statements. If a statement crosses that line, it may be considered deceptive.

Puffing can be used in contract negotiations to create a positive impression or to persuade the other party, but it is important to ensure that any legally binding terms or conditions are clearly stated in the contract.

Puffing statements are generally not considered as strong evidence in a legal dispute, as they are subjective opinions and not factual representations. However, they may still be considered as part of the overall context of the case.

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This glossary post was last updated: 13th April 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Puffing. DLS Solicitors. April 30 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Puffing. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 30 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Puffing. Retrieved April 30 2024, from website: