Define: Reasonable Doubt

Reasonable Doubt
Reasonable Doubt
Quick Summary of Reasonable Doubt

In legal contexts, reasonable doubt refers to the standard of proof required for conviction in a criminal trial. It means that the evidence presented must be sufficient to convince the jury or judge of the defendant’s guilt beyond any reasonable doubt or hesitation. This standard is higher than mere suspicion or probability and requires that any doubts about the defendant’s guilt be reasonable based on the evidence presented. If the prosecution fails to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant is entitled to an acquittal. Reasonable doubt is a fundamental principle of the criminal justice system aimed at protecting the rights of the accused and ensuring that convictions are based on reliable and convincing evidence.

What is the dictionary definition of Reasonable Doubt?
Dictionary Definition of Reasonable Doubt
n. not being sure of a criminal defendant's guilt to a moral certainty. Thus, a juror (or judge sitting without a jury) must be convinced of guilt of a crime (or the degree of crime, as murder instead of manslaughter) "beyond a reasonable doubt," and the jury will be told so by the judge in the jury instructions. However, it is a subjective test since each juror will have to decide if his/her doubt is reasonable. It is more difficult to convict under that test, than "preponderance of the evidence" to decide for the plaintiff (party bringing the suit) in a civil (non-criminal) trial.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Reasonable Doubt. DLS Solicitors. April 27, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Reasonable Doubt. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 27, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Reasonable Doubt. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from website: