Define: Recent Complaint

Recent Complaint
Recent Complaint
Quick Summary of Recent Complaint

A recent complaint is a formal legal document filed by a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit or by a prosecutor in a criminal case, alleging wrongdoing by the defendant. The complaint outlines the specific facts and legal claims against the defendant, seeking relief such as damages, injunctions, or other remedies. It serves as the initial step in initiating legal proceedings and sets forth the basis for the plaintiff’s case. In civil cases, the defendant typically has a limited time to respond to the complaint, either by filing an answer or a motion to dismiss. In criminal cases, the defendant is formally charged with the alleged offence upon the filing of the complaint. The resolution of a recent complaint depends on the legal arguments, evidence, and procedural rules governing the particular case.

Full Definition Of Recent Complaint

The ‘recent complaint’ exception is an exception to the general rule that a statement made previously by a witness is not admissible to bolster the credibility of the witness (R v Roberts (1942)). At common law, the exception only applies in trials for sexual offences against (presumably) women. If the exception applies, evidence of a previous oral or written statement by the victim may be admitted against the defendant.

To engage the recent complaint exception, the statement must be made

  1. voluntarily, and
  2. at the first reasonable opportunity.

For the statement to be ‘voluntary’, it need not be made completely out of the blue; what is necessary is that it is not elicited by leading or intimidating questions. For example, in R v Osborne (1905) a complaint of a sexual assault made in response to the question why are you going home? was admissible.

Although the complaint must be made at the first reasonable opportunity, it need not be to the first person the victim encounters R v Valentine (1996).

Strictly speaking, a recent complaint, if admissible at all, is admissible only to the extent that it shows the credibility of the witness, and this must be made clear to the jury (R v Islam (1999)). The complaint cannot be used, of itself, to prove the victim’s lack of consent to the acts which form the charge. However, in complaints of sexual offences, the issue of consent and the issue of credibility may well be inseparable.

The recent complaint exception is an anomaly, and most authorities take the view that it is a relic from the days when victims of alleged sexual assaults were expected to raise a hue and cry, or be judged to have consented. However, it has recently been put into a statutory form by s.120(7) of the Criminal Justice Act (2003). Under this new provision, the recent complain exception will apply to any offence, not just to sexual offences. Not only will the ‘complaint’ be evidence of the credibility of the witness, but it is also admissible as to its facts. This is, in principle, a radical departure from the common-law position, but whether it makes much difference in practice is arguable. Another difference is that, provided that it was not elicited by threat or duress, the fact that the complaint was made in response to a leading question will not make it inadmissible.

Recent Complaint FAQ'S

A recent complaint refers to a formal legal document filed with a court alleging wrongdoing or injury by one party against another. It typically initiates a civil lawsuit or legal proceeding and outlines the factual basis and legal claims of the plaintiff.

A recent complaint specifically initiates a lawsuit by outlining the plaintiff’s grievances and demands for relief, while other legal documents such as motions, pleadings, or briefs may serve different purposes within the context of ongoing litigation.

A recent complaint generally includes details about the parties involved, a statement of facts giving rise to the claim, the legal basis for the claim, and the specific relief or remedies sought by the plaintiff.

A recent complaint can be filed by an individual, entity, or organisation that believes they have been wronged or injured by another party and wishes to seek legal redress through the court system.

Common types of claims asserted in recent complaints include breach of contract, negligence, fraud, defamation, breach of fiduciary duty, personal injury, property damage, and various statutory violations, among others.

The statute of limitations for filing a recent complaint varies depending on the jurisdiction and the type of claim being asserted. It specifies the time period within which a plaintiff must file a lawsuit after the alleged wrongful act occurred or was discovered.

After a recent complaint is filed, the defendant is served with a copy of the complaint and is typically required to respond within a specified time frame, either by filing an answer admitting or denying the allegations or by filing a motion to dismiss or other responsive pleading.

Yes, a recent complaint can usually be amended after it is filed with the court, subject to certain procedural rules and limitations. Amendments may be made to correct errors, add or remove parties, or assert new claims or defences.

The remedies sought in a recent complaint depend on the nature of the claims asserted and may include monetary damages, injunctive relief, specific performance, declaratory judgments, or other forms of equitable relief.

If you receive a recent complaint naming you as a defendant, it is essential to promptly review the allegations, seek legal advice from an attorney, and respond in accordance with the applicable court rules and deadlines to protect your rights and interests in the litigation.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Recent Complaint. DLS Solicitors. April 30 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Recent Complaint. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 30 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Recent Complaint. Retrieved April 30 2024, from website: