Define: Seduction

Quick Summary of Seduction

In legal terms, seduction typically refers to the act of persuading or inducing someone to engage in sexual activity, often through deceit, manipulation, or abuse of power. Historically, seduction laws were intended to protect individuals, particularly young women, from being deceived or coerced into sexual relationships. However, modern legal systems have largely abolished such laws, recognizing that consensual sexual relationships should be based on mutual consent and autonomy. In contemporary usage, seduction may still imply the manipulation or exploitation of someone’s emotions or vulnerabilities for personal gain, but it is generally not considered a criminal offence unless it involves coercion, fraud, or abuse of authority.

What is the dictionary definition of Seduction?
Dictionary Definition of Seduction
n. the use of charm, salesmanship, promises, gifts and flattery to induce another person to have sexual intercourse outside marriage, without any use of force or intimidation. At one time seduction was a crime in many states, but if the seducee (usually female) is of the age of consent and is not drugged, intoxicated or otherwise unable to consent, seduction is no longer criminal. However, just as adultery lingers in the criminal codes of some states, so does seduction.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Seduction. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: