Define: Strict Liability

Strict Liability
Strict Liability
Quick Summary of Strict Liability

Strict liability is a legal doctrine that makes a person responsible for the damage and loss caused by his/her acts and omissions regardless of culpability (or fault in criminal law terms, which would normally be expressed through a mens rea requirement; see Strict liability (criminal). Strict liability is important in torts (especially product liability), corporations law, and criminal law. For analysis of the pros and cons of strict liability as applied to product liability, the most important strict liability regime, see product liability.

What is the dictionary definition of Strict Liability?
Dictionary Definition of Strict Liability

Strict liability is the legal doctrine that allows a wrongdoer to be held legally liable for an injury even if they were not found to be negligent or careless. More specifically, this premise allows you to be found responsible for another person’s injuries even if you did not do anything wrong. Under strict liability law, there are no defences.

The most common types of strict liability cases are product liability lawsuits and dog bite cases. Under strict product liability law, the manufacturer, business, or seller of a product can be held liable for harm and loss caused by the product, regardless of the seller’s intentions. Under this law, the claimant does not have to prove negligence to win compensation for their injuries. Similar arguments are made in dog bite cases where the owner may be responsible even if the dog has not previously bitten another person and the bitten person provoked the dog.

Full Definition Of Strict Liability

Crimes for Which Mens Rea Need Not Be Proved

Strict liability makes a person responsible for the loss or damage caused by their acts or omissions, regardless of culpability.

The standard common law test of criminal liability is usually expressed in terms of Edward Coke’s statement, ‘actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea’ which means that ‘the act does not make a person guilty unless their mind is also guilty. There must be an actus reus accompanied by some level of mens rea to constitute the crime with which the defendant is charged. However, the exceptions to this standard are strict liability crimes.

Tort law

In tort law, strict liability is the imposition of liability on a party without a finding of fault (such as negligence or tortious intent). The plaintiff needs to prove only that the tort happened and that the defendant was responsible. Strict liability is imposed for legal infractions that are malum prohibitum rather than malum in se; therefore, neither good faith nor the fact that the defendant took all possible precautions are valid defences. Strict liability often applies to those engaged in hazardous or inherently dangerous ventures

Strict liability is sometimes called absolute liability to distinguish those situations where, although the plaintiff does not have to prove fault, the defendant can raise a defence of absence of fault.

A classic example of strict liability is the owner of a tiger rehabilitation centre; no matter how strong the tiger cages are, if an animal escapes and causes damage and injury, the owner is held liable. Another example is a contractor hiring a demolition subcontractor that lacks proper insurance. If the subcontractor makes a mistake, the contractor is strictly liable for any damage that occurs.

The law imputes strict liability to situations it considers to be inherently dangerous. It discourages reckless behaviour and needless loss by forcing potential defendants to take every possible precaution. It also has the effect of simplifying litigation and allowing the victim to become whole more quickly.

The doctrine’s most famous advocates were Learned Hand, Benjamin Cardozo, and Roger J. Traynor.

In English and Welsh law, where tortious liability is strict, the defendant will often only be liable for the reasonably foreseeable consequences of his or her act or omission (as in nuisance).

In the case of Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd. v. AG [1985], the court outlined four guidelines for other courts to use to decide whether or not the crime in question is a strict liability crime:

The Crime Is A Regulatory Offence

This is typically a crime where no moral issue is involved and the maximum penalty is usually small. In Sweet v. Parsley [1970], Lord Reid stated that a crime to which a social stigma is attached should need mens rea to be proved.

The most common types of regulatory offences are rules on hygiene and measurement in the food industry and regulations to stop industry polluting the environment.

The Statute Containing The Offence Deals With An Issue Of Social Concern

This involves issues such as public safety and is in place to force people to take extra precautions against committing the act. This covers behaviour that involves danger to the public but does not usually carry the same kind of social stigma as a crime like murder or theft. Such offences are similar to regulatory offences but they may carry severe maximum penalties.

The Wording Of The Act

A statute may be interpreted as creating a strict liability offence. There is no definitive example of what form the words must take but certain words, such as ‘cause’ and ‘possession’, have been consistently interpreted by the courts as resulting in strict liability crimes.

Smallness Of The Penalty

Strict liability is often imposed for offences which carry a small maximum penalty. The higher the maximum penalty, the less likely it is that the courts will impose strict liability. However, penalties can sometimes be high.

Advantages Of Strict Liability

  • Promotion of care: it protects the public from dangerous practices.
  • Deterrent: Offenders obey the law because they know prosecution leads to an automatic conviction.
  • Easier enforcement: court time is saved when mens rea need not be proved.
  • The difficulty of proving mens rea: mens rea can be difficult to prove, so without strict liability, guilty people may avoid conviction.
  • There is no threat to liberty; punishment is usually a fine.

Disadvantages Of Strict Liability

  • Injustice: Is it really fair for a person to be blamed even if they took all reasonable steps to avoid the problem?
  • Ineffectiveness: there is no deterrent if the guilty party is not caught.
  • Little administrative advantage: not much time is saved since the court still needs to hear the whole of the case.
  • Inconsistent application: there is a lack of certainly due to the reliance on statutory interpretation.
Strict Liability FAQ'S

Strict liability is a legal doctrine that holds individuals or entities liable for harm or damages caused by their actions or products, regardless of fault or intent.

Negligence requires proof of fault or wrongdoing, while strict liability imposes liability without the need to prove fault, negligence, or intent.

Some common examples include:

  • Liability for injuries caused by dangerous activities, such as keeping wild animals or engaging in hazardous work.
  • Product liability for defective products that cause harm to consumers.
  • Liability for harm caused by ultrahazardous activities, such as blasting or transporting hazardous materials.

The rationale is to shift the risk of harm from innocent victims to those engaged in inherently risky activities or producing potentially dangerous products, thereby incentivising greater care and accountability.

No, strict liability does not require proof of negligence. Liability is imposed simply by demonstrating that harm occurred as a result of the defendant’s actions or products.

Yes, in some cases, individuals or entities may be held strictly liable for the actions of others, such as employers being held liable for the actions of their employees acting within the scope of their employment.

While defences may vary depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances, some of the more common defences to strict liability claims include:

  • Assumption of risk by the plaintiff.
  • Comparative or contributory negligence by the plaintiff.
  • Product misuse or alteration by the plaintiff.

In product liability cases, manufacturers, distributors, and sellers can be held strictly liable for injuries caused by defective products, regardless of whether they were negligent in designing, manufacturing, or marketing the product.

In some jurisdictions, strict liability may be waived or contractually modified if parties explicitly agree to assume the risk or allocate liability differently through contractual agreements.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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