Define: Suffrage

Quick Summary of Suffrage

Suffrage refers to the right to vote in political elections and participate in the democratic process. It is a fundamental civil right that enables citizens to have a voice in government and influence public policy. Suffrage has been historically linked to various social movements, such as women’s suffrage and civil rights, which sought to extend voting rights to marginalized groups and ensure equal access to the electoral process. Today, suffrage is typically granted to all adult citizens of a country, although eligibility may be subject to certain restrictions such as residency or citizenship requirements. Universal suffrage, where all adult citizens have the right to vote without discrimination, is a cornerstone of democratic societies and plays a vital role in shaping the direction and governance of nations.

What is the dictionary definition of Suffrage?
Dictionary Definition of Suffrage

The right to vote at public elections.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Suffrage. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: