Define: Abscond

Quick Summary of Abscond

Abscond means to leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection or legal consequences. It involves fleeing or escaping from a situation, often with the intention of evading arrest, debt, or other obligations. Absconding can occur in various contexts, such as fleeing from the scene of a crime, leaving without paying debts, or escaping from lawful custody. It implies a deliberate act of departure to avoid facing the consequences of one’s actions. In legal terms, absconding may result in additional charges or penalties, depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction.

What is the dictionary definition of Abscond?
Dictionary Definition of Abscond

Abscond (verb): 1. To depart secretly or hastily, especially to avoid detection or punishment. 2. To flee or escape from a place, often with the intention of evading legal or moral obligations. 3. To disappear or go into hiding, typically with the intention of avoiding responsibility or consequences. 4. To abscond with something means to steal or take it away illicitly or surreptitiously. Example: The suspect absconded from the crime scene before the authorities arrived, leaving no trace behind.

v. 1) traditionally, to leave a jurisdiction (where the court, a process server, or law enforcement can find one) to avoid being served with legal papers or being arrested. 2) a surprise leaving with funds or goods that have been stolen, as in “he absconded with the loot.”

Full Definition Of Abscond

To go in a clandestine manner out of the jurisdiction of the courts, or to lie concealed, in order to avoid their process. To hide, conceal, or absent oneself clandestinely, with the intent to avoid legal process. To postpone limitations. To flee from arresting or prosecuting officers of the state.

Abscond FAQ'S

Absconding refers to the act of leaving hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection or arrest, often with the intention of avoiding legal or financial obligations.

Absconding itself is not necessarily a crime, but the reasons for absconding and the actions taken while absconding can lead to legal consequences. For example, violating probation or fleeing from custody are considered criminal offences.

Common reasons for absconding include avoiding arrest or prosecution for a crime, fleeing from a legal obligation such as debt or child support, escaping from an abusive situation, or seeking asylum or refuge.

Depending on the circumstances, absconding can lead to legal consequences such as arrest warrants, additional criminal charges, revocation of probation or parole, forfeiture of bail or bond, and difficulties in resolving legal matters.

Yes, absconding can affect immigration status, particularly if an individual absconds while awaiting immigration proceedings or violates terms of a visa or immigration status.

Authorities may use various means to pursue absconders, including issuing arrest warrants, conducting investigations, collaborating with law enforcement agencies in other jurisdictions, and utilising surveillance and tracking technology.

If you have information about someone who has absconded and there are legal concerns involved, you should contact law enforcement authorities or legal professionals who can advise you on the appropriate course of action.

In some cases, individuals who have absconded may be able to resolve their situation without facing severe legal consequences by voluntarily surrendering to authorities, cooperating with law enforcement, or seeking legal counsel to address underlying issues.

If you are accused of absconding or if there is a warrant for your arrest, it is important to seek legal advice from an attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal process, and develop a strategy for resolving the situation.

Forgiveness or pardon for absconding typically depends on the specific circumstances and legal proceedings involved. In some cases, absconders may be able to negotiate resolutions or plea agreements with prosecutors, but this is not guaranteed and requires legal representation.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Abscond. DLS Solicitors. April 29 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Abscond. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Abscond. Retrieved April 29 2024, from website: