Define: Access

Quick Summary of Access

In legal contexts, “access” generally refers to the ability or right to approach, enter, or use something, such as a property, information, or legal process. It encompasses the notion of availability or opportunity to reach or interact with something. Access can have various implications depending on the context in which it is used. For example, in property law, access may refer to the right of way or easement allowing individuals to enter or pass through another’s property. In the context of information or data, access may refer to the ability to retrieve, view, or obtain certain information or records. Additionally, access to justice is a fundamental principle ensuring that individuals have the opportunity to seek legal remedies and participate in legal proceedings. Access to legal services, courts, and fair treatment under the law is essential for upholding the rule of law and ensuring the protection of individuals’ rights and interests.

What is the dictionary definition of Access?
Dictionary Definition of Access

Access (noun): 1. The ability or right to enter, use, or retrieve something. Example: The key card grants access to the restricted area of the building. 2. The act or process of obtaining or reaching something. Example: The internet provides easy access to a vast amount of information. 3. A means or opportunity to approach or communicate with someone. Example: The conference provides access to industry experts and thought leaders. 4. The permission or privilege to use or benefit from something. Example: The library card grants access to borrow books and other resources. 5. In computer science, the process of retrieving or modifying data stored in a computer system or database. Example: The user needs to enter their login credentials to gain access to their email account.

n. 1) In real estate, the right and ability to get to the property. 2) When a husband has the opportunity to make love to his wife, it is said he has access. This rather vulgar use of “access” has been important because if a husband “had access” to his wife during the time when she became pregnant, it is presumed he is the father. Modern use of blood tests and DNA studies may show the father to be someone other than the husband, whether the husband “had access” or not.

Full Definition Of Access

Access refers to the right or ability to enter, use, or make use of something. In a legal context, access often refers to the right to access certain information, resources, or facilities. It can also refer to the right to access justice or legal remedies.

Access can be granted or restricted by various laws, regulations, or agreements. For example, access to certain government records may be granted under freedom of information laws, while access to certain facilities may be restricted to authorised personnel only.

In the context of intellectual property, access may refer to the right to access copyrighted works, such as books, music, or movies. Copyright laws often provide creators with the exclusive right to control access to their works, allowing them to determine who can access, use, or distribute their creations.

Access to justice is a fundamental principle in legal systems, ensuring that individuals have the ability to seek legal remedies and have their rights protected. This includes access to courts, legal representation, and other necessary resources to effectively participate in the legal process.

Overall, access plays a crucial role in various legal contexts, ensuring individuals’ rights are protected, information is available, and justice is accessible to all.

Freedom of approach or communication, or the means, power, or opportunity of approaching, communicating, or passing to and from. Sometimes importing the occurrence of sexual intercourse; otherwise, importing the opportunity of communication for that purpose as between husband and wife.

In real property law, the term access denotes the right vested in the owner of the land that adjoins a road or other highway to go and return from his own land to the highway without obstruction. Access to property does not necessarily come with possession.

For purposes of establishing an element of access by the defendant in a copyright infringement action, access is ordinarily defined as the opportunity to copy.

Prisoners are entitled to access to court. Prison officials cannot prevent prisoners from filing papers or appearing in court, even if they honestly think that such prevention would help them maintain discipline and good order.

Owners of real property are entitled to some means of accessing their property from a road or highway. They do not necessarily need to own a corridor of land from their property to the nearest road, but they may claim an easement of access.

In a paternity suit, access means the opportunity to have had sexual relations. When there is a question about who is the father of a certain child, it is appropriate for a court to determine which man had access to the mother around the estimated time of conception. A man charged with being the father of an illegitimate child may plead the defence of multiple access—that the mother had several lovers at the time of conception.

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This glossary post was last updated: 10th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Access. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Access. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Access. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: