Define: Accidental Death

Accidental Death
Accidental Death
Quick Summary of Accidental Death

Accidental death refers to a death that occurs unexpectedly or unintentionally as a result of an unforeseen event or accident. These events may include car accidents, falls, drownings, fires, poisoning, or other sudden and unexpected occurrences. Accidental deaths are typically not caused by natural causes or intentional actions, such as homicide or suicide. In legal and insurance contexts, accidental death may have implications for determining eligibility for benefits or compensation, as well as for investigating the circumstances surrounding the death. Accidental death can have profound effects on the deceased person’s loved ones, who may experience grief, loss, and financial hardships as a result. Preventive measures, such as safety regulations, public awareness campaigns, and risk management strategies, are often implemented to reduce the likelihood of accidental deaths and promote safety in various aspects of daily life.

What is the dictionary definition of Accidental Death?
Dictionary Definition of Accidental Death

Accidental Death: noun 1. The unexpected and unintentional demise of an individual resulting from an unforeseen event or mishap, typically caused by external factors beyond the control of the deceased. Accidental deaths can occur due to various circumstances such as accidents, injuries, falls, natural disasters, or other sudden occurrences. These fatalities are not premeditated or caused by deliberate actions, but rather occur as a result of chance or unfortunate circumstances. Accidental deaths are often subject to investigation and may involve legal proceedings to determine liability or compensation for the affected parties.

Full Definition Of Accidental Death

An accidental death is a death which results from an unusual event which could not be foreseen and was not intended by any person involved. If you have a life insurance policy to cover accidental death the amount of the policy is generally paid to the beneficiary, but the policy will have certain restrictions, such as the age of the insured and whether the death occurred within a specified time after the accident.

For example, the insurance requirements for an accidental death policy may state that a “covered” death must have been caused by external, violent, and accidental means, a disease or infection resulting directly from an accidental injury and beginning within 30 days after the date of the injury. The most common causes of accidental deaths include falls, car accidents, poisoning by liquids or solids, drowning, suffocation, burns and fires, gas poisoning, shooting death, death by machinery, and surgical and medical mistakes.

Accidental Death FAQ'S

An accidental death is one that occurs unexpectedly and unintentionally as a result of an unforeseen event or mishap. It typically involves incidents such as vehicle accidents, falls, drowning, poisoning, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Accidental death occurs suddenly and unexpectedly due to external factors, whereas natural death is the result of illness, disease, or other internal causes.

Yes, accidental death is usually covered by life insurance policies, including both term and permanent life insurance. However, some policies may have specific exclusions or limitations for certain types of accidents.

Accidental death benefit is an additional coverage option available in many life insurance policies. It provides an extra pay-out in addition to the policy’s death benefit if the insured dies as a result of a covered accident.

Accidental death policies commonly cover a wide range of accidents, including vehicle accidents, falls, drowning, poisoning, fires, and other unforeseen events.

Exclusions to accidental death coverage tend to vary depending on the insurance policy, but common exclusions include death resulting from self-inflicted injuries, suicide, drug overdose, participation in illegal activities, or acts of war.

Insurance companies typically investigate the circumstances surrounding a death claim to determine if it qualifies as an accidental death based on the policy’s definition and criteria.

Accidental death coverage is often relatively affordable compared to other types of insurance, as it only covers a specific risk (accidental death) rather than all causes of death.

Yes, accidental death benefits can often be added to existing life insurance policies as a rider or supplemental coverage for an additional premium.

To ensure your loved ones receive the accidental death benefit, it’s important to maintain an up-to-date life insurance policy, inform beneficiaries of the policy’s existence, and keep important documents in a safe and accessible location.

Related Phrases
Accidental Death Benefit

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Accidental Death. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Accidental Death. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Accidental Death. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: