Define: Act Of God

Act Of God
Act Of God
Quick Summary of Act Of God

A reason for an insurance company not to pay your claim. An unpreventable and unpredictable event which could cause loss or damage to buildings, land, vehicles etc.

What is the dictionary definition of Act Of God?
Dictionary Definition of Act Of God

Act of God: Noun 1. A legal term referring to an event or occurrence that is beyond human control and is caused by natural forces or phenomena, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or lightning strikes. 2. An unforeseen and unavoidable event that causes damage, destruction, or loss, and is not caused by any human action or negligence. 3. In insurance terms, an Act of God is an event that is not covered by standard insurance policies, as it is considered an unavoidable and unpredictable occurrence.

An extraordinary and unexpected natural event, such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or even the sudden death of a person. An act of God may be a defence against liability for injuries or damages. Under the law of contracts, an act of God often serves as a valid excuse if one of the parties to the contract is unable to fulfil his or her duties — for instance, completing a construction project on time. n. A natural catastrophe which no one can prevent such as an earthquake, a tidal wave, a volcanic eruption, a hurricane or a tornado. Acts of God are significant for two reasons 1) for the havoc and damage they wreak, and 2) because often contracts state that “acts of God” are an excuse for delay or failure to fulfil a commitment or to complete a construction project. Many insurance policies exempt coverage for damage caused by acts of God, which is one time an insurance company gets religion. At times disputes arise as to whether a violent storm or other disaster was an act of God (and therefore exempt from a claim) or a foreseeable natural event. God knows the answer!

Full Definition Of Act Of God

An Act of God is a legal term used to describe an event that is outside of human control and for which no one can be held responsible. This includes natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. In legal terms, an Act of God may be used as a defence in cases where a party is unable to fulfil their obligations due to such an event. It is important to note that the definition and application of an Act of God may vary depending on the specific laws and regulations of a particular jurisdiction.

An event that directly and exclusively results from the occurrence of natural causes that could not have been prevented by the exercise of foresight or caution; an inevitable accident.

An Act of God is the legal way of describing a natural event that couldn’t reasonably be foreseen or prevented – earthquakes in areas with no history of same, exceptionally high tides, lightning, extreme storms, etc.

Courts have recognized various events as acts of God—tornadoes, earthquakes, death, extraordinarily high tides, violent winds, and floods. Many insurance policies for property damage exclude from their protection damage caused by acts of God. Often insurance policies exclude Acts of God as reasons for a valid claim, although this can be challenged in court.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Act Of God. DLS Solicitors. April 30 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Act Of God. Retrieved April 30 2024, from website: