Define: Actionable

Quick Summary of Actionable

In legal terms, “actionable” refers to a situation or claim that provides a basis for a legal action or lawsuit. It implies that the circumstances or conduct in question give rise to a valid cause of action, allowing a party to seek relief or remedies through the judicial system. To be actionable, a claim typically must meet certain legal requirements, such as having a valid legal theory, sufficient evidence to support the claim, and a recognised legal basis for seeking relief. Actionable conduct may include various types of wrongdoing or harm, such as breach of contract, negligence, fraud, defamation, discrimination, or violation of legal rights. When a claim is deemed actionable, it means that the injured party has the legal right to pursue a lawsuit or seek redress through legal channels.

What is the dictionary definition of Actionable?
Dictionary Definition of Actionable

Actionable (adjective): 1. Capable of being acted upon or put into action; having practical significance or potential for implementation. Example: The team came up with actionable solutions to address the company’s declining sales. 2. Pertaining to information or intelligence that can be used to initiate a specific course of action or decision-making. Example: The detective received actionable intelligence that led to the arrest of the suspect. 3. In legal terms, referring to a claim or lawsuit that provides grounds for legal action or remedy. Example: The plaintiff presented an actionable case against the defendant, alleging breach of contract. 4. Able to be taken to court or subject to legal proceedings. Example: The company’s deceptive advertising practices were deemed actionable and resulted in a lawsuit.

Giving sufficient reason to take legal action.

  1. legal Affording grounds for legal action.
  2. That can be acted on; that can be used as the basis for taking action.

adj. when enough facts or circumstances exist to meet the legal requirements to file a legitimate lawsuit. If the facts required to prove a case cannot be alleged in the complaint, the case is not “actionable” and the client and his/her attorney should not file a suit. Of course, whether many cases are actionable is a matter of judgment and interpretation of the facts and/or law, resulting in many lawsuits that clog the courts. Incidentally, if a case is filed which is clearly not actionable, it may result in a lawsuit against the filer of the original suit for malicious prosecution by the defendant after he/she has won the original suit.

Full Definition Of Actionable

Giving sufficient legal grounds for a lawsuit; giving rise to a cause of action.

An act, event, or occurrence is said to be actionable when there are legal grounds for basing a lawsuit on it. For example, an assault is an actionable tort.

An act is ‘actionable’ if it is capable of being pursued as a legal action in the civil courts. Not all wrongs suffered by an individual are actionable. For example, if I were to visit your home while you were undergoing a debilitating emotional crisis, and I were to then persuade you to give me money so that I might leave, this blatant exploitation by me of your vulnerable state of mind would probably not be actionable. It would certainly be underhanded and immoral; but not every immoral act is thereby ‘actionable’.

Generally speaking, there is some vague correspondence between the terms ‘actionable’ and ‘unlawful’.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Actionable. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Actionable. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Actionable. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: