Define: Ad Hoc

Ad Hoc
Ad Hoc
Quick Summary of Ad Hoc

Ad hoc is a Latin term that translates to “for this purpose.” In various contexts, particularly in organisations or decision-making processes, it refers to something created or done specifically for a particular purpose, situation, or occasion, rather than being part of a formal, established system or protocol. Ad hoc solutions or committees are formed temporarily to address specific issues or tasks that arise unexpectedly or are outside the scope of regular procedures. These ad hoc arrangements are often improvised and may not have the permanence or structure of more established systems but serve the immediate needs of the situation at hand.

What is the dictionary definition of Ad Hoc?
Dictionary Definition of Ad Hoc

adj. Latin shorthand meaning “for this purpose only.” Thus, an ad hoc committee is formed for a specific purpose, usually appointed to solve a particular problem. An ad hoc attorney is one hired to handle one problem only and often is a specialist in a particular area or considered especially able to argue a key point.

Ad Hoc (adjective) 1. Created or designed for a specific purpose or situation, often temporary or improvised. Example: The committee was formed to address the ad hoc issues that arose during the project. 2. Arranged or done on an impromptu basis, without prior planning or organisation. Example: The team had an ad hoc meeting to discuss the urgent matter. 3. Pertaining to a solution or decision that is made for a particular case, without establishing a general rule or principle. Example: The judge made an ad hoc ruling to resolve the unique circumstances of the case. 4. In computing, referring to a system or software that is designed to perform a specific task or function, often for a limited time or purpose. Example: The ad hoc network was set up to connect the devices temporarily during the conference. 5. In Latin, meaning “for this” or “for this particular purpose.” Example: The ad hoc committee was formed to address the specific issue at hand.

Full Definition Of Ad Hoc

[Latin, For this; for this special purpose.] An attorney ad hoc or a guardian or curator ad hoc is one appointed for a special purpose, generally to represent the client, ward, or child in the particular action in which the appointment is made.

An administrative agency, a legislature, or other governmental bodies may establish ad hoc committees to study particular problems. For example, a city government may establish an ad hoc committee to investigate and discuss the placement of a new stadium in the city. Likewise, an administrative agency in some jurisdictions may engage in ad hoc rulemaking, whereby the agency establishes specific procedures to promulgate a rule without necessarily adhering to formal rulemaking requirements.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Ad Hoc. DLS Solicitors. April 29, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Ad Hoc. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Ad Hoc. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from website: