Define: Adhocism

Quick Summary of Adhocism

Adhocism is an approach or philosophy that emphasises improvisation, flexibility, and adaptability in problem-solving and design. It suggests that solutions can be created spontaneously and pragmatically, using available resources and without relying on pre-established rules or structures. Adhocism encourages experimentation, creativity, and innovation, often leading to unconventional or temporary solutions to complex problems. This concept has been applied in various fields, including architecture, urban planning, engineering, and management, as a way to address changing needs and circumstances effectively.

What is the dictionary definition of Adhocism?
Dictionary Definition of Adhocism

Adhocism is a noun that refers to the practice or philosophy of approaching problems or tasks in an improvised, spontaneous, or makeshift manner, often without following a predetermined plan or established rules. It involves finding creative and practical solutions on the spot, using available resources, and adapting to the circumstances at hand. Adhocism is characterised by its flexibility, adaptability, and ability to quickly respond to changing situations. It is commonly associated with problem-solving in situations where traditional methods or structures may not be applicable or effective.

Full Definition Of Adhocism

Adhocism is a legal concept that refers to the practice of making decisions or taking actions on an ad hoc basis without following established procedures or guidelines. This can occur in various contexts, such as in government decision-making, corporate governance, or legal proceedings. Adhocism can lead to inconsistency, lack of transparency, and potential legal challenges. It is important for organisations and individuals to adhere to established rules and procedures to ensure fairness and legality in their actions.

Adhocism is an organisational philosophy/style characterised by:

  • an aversion to planning,
  • a tendency to respond only to the urgent, as opposed to the important,
  • a focus on ‘fire fighting’ than on establishing systems and procedures through goal setting and long-term planning.
Adhocism FAQ'S

Adhocism is a design philosophy that emphasises the use of readily available materials and resources to create functional and innovative solutions to problems.

The term Adhocism was coined by Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver in their book “Adhocism: The Case for Improvisation” published in 1972.

The key principles of Adhocism include improvisation, resourcefulness, flexibility, and experimentation.

Adhocism differs from traditional design approaches in that it emphasises the use of available resources and materials rather than relying on preconceived notions of what is necessary or desirable.

Examples of Adhocism in action include DIY projects, upcycling, and repurposing of materials to create new and innovative solutions.

No, Adhocism can be applied to any field or discipline that requires creative problem-solving and resourcefulness.

Yes, Adhocism can be used in commercial or industrial settings to create cost-effective and innovative solutions to problems.

The benefits of using Adhocism include cost-effectiveness, flexibility, creativity, and sustainability.

One potential drawback of using Adhocism is that it may not always result in the most efficient or polished solution to a problem.

You can incorporate Adhocism into your own work or projects by embracing improvisation, resourcefulness, and experimentation, and by being open to using unconventional materials and methods to achieve your goals.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Adhocism. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Adhocism. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Adhocism. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: