Define: Aggrieved Party

Aggrieved Party
Aggrieved Party
Quick Summary of Aggrieved Party

An aggrieved party refers to an individual or entity that has suffered harm, injury, or loss as a result of another party’s actions or conduct. In legal contexts, the term is commonly used to describe a party who has standing to seek redress or relief through legal proceedings due to being adversely affected by a violation of their rights or a breach of contract. The aggrieved party typically has the legal right to bring a lawsuit or claim against the responsible party to seek compensation, damages, or other remedies for the harm they have suffered. The concept of an aggrieved party is fundamental to the principles of justice and fairness in legal systems, as it ensures that individuals and entities have recourse to legal remedies when their rights are violated or they are wrongfully harmed.

What is the dictionary definition of Aggrieved Party?
Dictionary Definition of Aggrieved Party

An individual who is entitled to commence a lawsuit against another because his or her legal rights have been violated.

Aggrieved Party: noun Definition: The individual or group that has suffered harm, injury, or loss as a result of a perceived wrongdoing, violation, or injustice. An aggrieved party typically seeks legal or formal redress to address the harm or seek compensation for the damages incurred. This term is commonly used in legal contexts, such as civil lawsuits, where the aggrieved party is the plaintiff or the party bringing the complaint against the alleged wrongdoer. The aggrieved party may also refer to a person or entity affected by a breach of contract, violation of rights, or any other act that has caused them to experience distress, injury, or financial loss.

Full Definition Of Aggrieved Party

A person whose financial interest is directly affected by a decree, judgement, or statute is also considered an aggrieved party entitled to bring an action challenging the legality of the decree, judgement, or statute.

An aggrieved party refers to a person or entity who has been wronged or harmed by another party’s actions or conduct. This term is commonly used in legal proceedings to describe the party that has suffered a legal injury or has been adversely affected by a particular situation. The aggrieved party may seek legal remedies, such as damages or injunctive relief, to address the harm they have suffered. In some cases, the aggrieved party may also be entitled to bring a lawsuit or legal claim against the party responsible for causing the harm.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Aggrieved Party. DLS Solicitors. April 28, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Aggrieved Party. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 28, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Aggrieved Party. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from website: