Define: Alteration

Quick Summary of Alteration

In a legal context, “alteration” refers to any change, modification, or adjustment made to a legal document or contract after it has been executed or signed by the parties involved. Alterations can include additions, deletions, or revisions to the terms or provisions of the document. In many jurisdictions, any material alteration to a legal document may invalidate the document unless all parties consent to the change. This is to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the document and to prevent fraud or disputes arising from unauthorised alterations. Parties to a contract are generally required to initial or acknowledge any alterations made to the document to indicate their agreement to the changes. Failure to properly document alterations to a contract can lead to legal challenges and may affect the enforceability of the contract in court.

What is the dictionary definition of Alteration?
Dictionary Definition of Alteration

Modification; changing a thing without obliterating it.

Alteration refers to the act of making changes or modifications to a document, contract, or other legal instrument. It involves the addition, deletion, or amendment of terms, provisions, or clauses in order to reflect new or revised agreements between parties. Alteration can occur before or after the execution of a document and may require the consent or approval of all parties involved. However, it is important to note that unauthorized alterations to a legal document can have serious legal consequences, as they may invalidate the document or render it unenforceable. Therefore, it is crucial to follow proper procedures and obtain the necessary approvals when making alterations to legal instruments.

Alteration (noun):

1. The act or process of making changes or modifications to something, typically to improve or adapt it to a different purpose or condition.
Example: The alteration of the original design of the building allowed for better accessibility for people with disabilities.

2. A change or adjustment made to a garment or piece of clothing in order to fit better or to achieve a desired style.
Example: The tailor made several alterations to the dress to ensure it fit perfectly for the client’s special occasion.

3. A variation or modification in the appearance, form, or structure of something.
Example: The alteration in the landscape caused by the construction of the new highway was significant.

4. A change in behavior, attitude, or opinion.
Example: The therapy sessions helped bring about a positive alteration in the patient’s mindset and overall well-being.

5. A deviation or departure from the original or expected course or state.
Example: The sudden alteration in the weather forced the organizers to change the location of the outdoor event.

Full Definition Of Alteration

An alteration is a variation made in the language or terms of a legal document that affects the rights and obligations of the parties to it. When this occurs, the alteration is material and the party who did not consent to the change can be released from his or her duties under the document by a court.

When an essential part of a writing has been cut, torn, burned, or erased, the alteration is also known as a mutilation.

The alteration of a document by someone other than a party to it is called a spoliation.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Alteration. DLS Solicitors. April 30 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Alteration. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 30 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Alteration. Retrieved April 30 2024, from website: