Define: Ambiguity

Quick Summary of Ambiguity

Ambiguity refers to a lack of clarity or uncertainty in language, meaning, or interpretation, which can lead to confusion or multiple possible understandings. In legal contexts, ambiguity can arise in contracts, statutes, or other legal documents, potentially resulting in disputes or disagreements over their meaning or intent. Ambiguity may be inherent in the language used, or it may arise due to contextual factors, such as differing interpretations by parties involved or changes in societal norms over time. Resolving ambiguity often requires careful analysis, consideration of extrinsic evidence, and may ultimately rely on judicial interpretation or the application of legal principles to determine the intended meaning of the ambiguous language. Clarifying ambiguity is crucial for ensuring the enforceability and effectiveness of legal documents and agreements.

What is the dictionary definition of Ambiguity?
Dictionary Definition of Ambiguity

n. when language has more than one meaning. If the ambiguity is obvious, it is called “patent,” and if there is a hidden ambiguity, it is called “latent.” If there is an ambiguity and the original writer cannot effectively explain it, then the ambiguity will be decided in the light most favourable to the other party.

Ambiguity is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being open to multiple interpretations, often due to the presence of multiple meanings or unclear information. It is a condition where something can be understood in more than one way, leading to confusion or uncertainty. Ambiguity can arise in various forms, such as in language, literature, art, or situations, and it often requires further clarification or context to determine the intended meaning or resolution.

Full Definition Of Ambiguity

Uncertainty or doubtfulness of the meaning of language.

Ambiguity exists when a reasonable person can understand a piece of language in more than one way. It is not the use of peculiar words or of common words used in a peculiar sense. Words are ambiguous when their significance is unclear to people with competent knowledge and skill to understand them.

There are two categories of ambiguity: latent and patent. Latent ambiguity exists when the language used is clear and intelligible so that it suggests one meaning, but some extrinsic fact or evidence creates a need for interpretation or a choice among two or more possible meanings. In a classic case, Raffles v. Wichelhaus, 159 Eng. Rep. 375 (Ex. 1864), a contract was made to sell 125 bales of cotton that were to arrive on a ship called Peerless that sailed from Bombay, India. Unknown to the parties to the contract, two ships of the same name were to arrive from the same port during different months of the same year. This extraneous fact necessitated the interpretation of an otherwise clear and definite term of the contract. In such cases, extrinsic or parole evidence may be admitted to explain what was meant or to identify the property referred to in the writing.

A patent ambiguity is one that appears on the face of a document or piece of writing because uncertain or obscure language has been used.

In the law of contracts, ambiguity means more than that the language has more than one meaning upon which reasonable persons could differ. It implies that even after a court has applied rules of interpretation, such as the plain meaning, course of dealing, course of performance, or trade usage rules, to the ambiguous terms, the court is still unable to determine with certainty what meaning the contract’s parties intended. When this occurs, the court will admit as evidence extraneous proof of prior or contemporaneous agreements to determine the meaning of the ambiguous language. Parole evidence may be used to explain the meaning of a writing as long as its use does not vary the terms of the writing. If there is no such evidence, the court may hear evidence of the subjective intention or understanding of the parties to clarify the ambiguity.

Sometimes, courts decide the meaning of ambiguous language on the basis of who was responsible or at fault for the ambiguity. When only one party knew or should have known of the ambiguity, the unsuspecting party’s subjective knowledge of the meaning will prevail. If both parties knew or should have known of the uncertainty, the court will look to the subjective understanding of both. The ambiguity no longer exists if the parties agree upon its meaning. If the parties disagree and the ambiguous provisions are material, no contract is formed because of a lack of mutual assent.

Courts frequently interpret an ambiguous contract term against the interests of the party who prepared the contract and created the ambiguity. This is common in cases of adhesion contracts and insurance contracts. A drafter of a document should not benefit at the expense of an innocent party because the drafter was careless in drafting the agreement.

In constitutional law, statutes that contain ambiguous language are void for vagueness. The language of such laws is considered so obscure and uncertain that a reasonable person cannot determine from a reading what the law purports to command or prohibit. This statutory ambiguity deprives a person of the notice requirement of due process of law and, therefore, renders the statute unconstitutional.

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This glossary post was last updated: 10th April 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Ambiguity. DLS Solicitors. April 29 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Ambiguity. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 29 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Ambiguity. Retrieved April 29 2024, from website: