Define: American Federation Of Labor Congress Of Industrial Organizations

American Federation Of Labor Congress Of Industrial Organizations
American Federation Of Labor Congress Of Industrial Organizations
What is the dictionary definition of American Federation Of Labor Congress Of Industrial Organizations?
Dictionary Definition of American Federation Of Labor Congress Of Industrial Organizations

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a national trade union federation in the United States, representing over 12 million workers in various industries. It was formed in 1955 through the merger of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). The AFL-CIO works to advocate for workers’ rights, improve working conditions, and promote economic and social justice through collective bargaining and political action.

Full Definition Of American Federation Of Labor Congress Of Industrial Organizations

The American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a federation of labor unions in the United States. It was formed in 1955 through the merger of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). The AFL-CIO represents over 12 million workers across various industries and professions.

The AFL-CIO’s primary objective is to protect and advance the rights and interests of workers. It engages in collective bargaining with employers to negotiate fair wages, benefits, and working conditions for its members. The federation also advocates for workers’ rights through lobbying efforts and political campaigns.

In addition to its role in labor negotiations, the AFL-CIO is involved in various social and economic issues. It supports policies that promote job creation, worker safety, healthcare access, and retirement security. The federation also advocates for fair trade practices and opposes outsourcing of jobs.

The AFL-CIO operates at both the national and local levels. It is governed by a president and an executive council, which consists of representatives from its member unions. The federation also has state and local labor councils that coordinate activities and campaigns at the grassroots level.

Overall, the AFL-CIO plays a significant role in shaping labor laws and policies in the United States. It strives to protect the rights and well-being of workers and improve their working conditions through collective action and advocacy.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March 2024.

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